Welcome back to our ‘Billions MVP Fanbook,’ a compilation post commemorating all those in honor of achievement for the utmost brazen, uber shameless, ultra scheming, unmatched bad asses to date – from sports references, music, and tasty food to pop culture remarks, shocking twists and ultimate paybacks.
In case you missed our previous awards, you can catch up with season four episode one, episode two, episode three, episode four, episode five, episode six, and episode seven. Now, let us continue with that tradition as we award our Most Valuable Players (MVPs) this week.
Here are our Billions awards for Season 4, Episode 8, “Fight Night.”

Nifty Nickname – “Long Bong Holmes” (John Holmes) for Mafee’s “jazz cabbage.” Who knew jazz cabbage was slang for weed paraphernalia? Not me! Runner Up: Wag’s college nickname “Algonquin Ass-Eater.” 😀
Best Pop Culture Reference – The theme of Rocky throughout the episode. Dollar Bill and Mafee training for Fight Night to the soundtrack of Eye of the Tiger by Survivor was everything.
Most Outspoken Henry Rollins of Wallstreet – Axe with his comeback to Taylor, “You are way out of your depth. I’ve been crushing the S&P since you were in fucking footie pajamas. I’m gonna kick your ass in the energy sector the same way I’m gonna kick your ass in the ring.” #BlackFlag (if you don’t know who Black Flag is, click on the Henry Rollins link above)
Ahh yes, I remember my footie pajamas (sometimes onesies, sometimes as separates) with that white layer of coating on the bottom of the feet that made for perfect sliding across the kitchen floor. Well, until the coating started peeling from spending too much time in the dryer.
Mad Respect Native American Award – Wilma Mankiller!!!!! That’s right folks, my state of Oklahoma and representation of my people featured on Billions. Wilma was the first woman elected to serve as Principle Chief of the Cherokee Nation in Tahlequah, Oklahoma.
Most Shocking Twist – Chuck has a Native American half sister who is young enough to wear those footie pajamas! Wow Senior, just wow.
Most Menacing and Most Criminal Bass Ackwards Country Fuck on the Planet – Jock Jeffcoat for saying, “Find a way to introduce an infected blanket.” Disgusting. Enough said.
Wags Words of Wisdom – “Jed, we struck oil.” #BeverlyHillbillies
Worthiest Cheerleader and Cutman – That award goes to none other than the stellar and supreme Spyros for his worthy pep talks in Dollar Bill’s corner, “Your style is impetuous! Your defense is impenetrable!”
Best Accessory – Spyros’s cotton swab head band. I want one. This could be sold on Amazon.
Punching Bag MVP – Dollar Bill. Did you know Kelly AuCoin actually broke a rib during this episode? That alone gets him a punching bag award. He talks about it here and here.
That’s it for my portion of the awards. But did you notice my Wonder Twins were back? 🙂
Can’t wait for American Champion! See you guys for episode 9.
Colossal Disappointment – Bryan Connerty
So Jock Jeffcoat asks Bryan to introduce an infected blanket like Lord Amherst and Bryan is still listening?!?! I cannot find the words to express my disappointment. DAMN.
It looks like the U.S. Attorney seat is exactly like the precious ring in Lord of the Rings. Whoever sits on it is obsessed with it and wants to keep it no matter what. Bryan, whom I have come to love as a young idealist who always wanted to do the right thing is now doing whatever his superior asks him to, and does not even consider saying no. From Jose Lugo to Federal Day to Infected Blankets when will Bryan see that Jeffcoat is the depiction of everything he once disliked in law and politics?
Unmatched Debater – Chuck Rhoades, Jr
Give Chuck a topic and tell him if he is for or against and he delivers for you! I bet he was the best on his debate team in high school.
The man who has just said mobile voting should be considered only after the technological as well as security issues are sufficiently vetted turns 180 degrees as soon as he finds out that the AG is strongly opposed to it. If Jeffcoat is against mobile voting then Chuck should be its biggest advocate: Democracy. Inclusiveness. Voting rights. American Ideals. Bringing a voice to those who do not have one. How about a pilot program? 😀
Most Unexpected Blow – From Sara and directly at Wendy!
I pointed out several times that Wendy certainly violated her doctor’s oath. She used confidential information on her patients against them and for her own benefit as well as for the benefit of Axe Capital. But I never thought someone could file an official complaint with the medical board because, after all, who has concrete proof about Wendy did what she did?
But here is Dr. Zhang telling Wendy that her medical license is under review and she will have to appear in front of the medical board and make a case for herself. While Axe thinks it does not matter even if they get her license, because she is still the best at what she does, this is a huge blow for Wendy. Seeing even Birchie who gave Wendy his First Tracks Season Pass at Deer Valley in return for a session with her in Episode 1 Chuck Rhoades’ Greatest Game is now running away from her like the plague, it seems even a question about her medical license may be enough for the street to avoid Wendy, and in turn, Axe Capital.
Worthiest Business Decision – Rebecca taking over Saler’s Department Store
It may not be the most profitable business decision to take over a department store which, in Axe’s words, looks like “a wheezing elephant ready to stumble to its knees.” But it is certainly the worthiest in this case. As a young girl growing up in a small town, Saler’s catalogues served as Rebecca’s window to the big world out there and now she wants to inspire other young girls to dream big!
“Show young girls that they don’t have to just dream about shopping at some department store. They can buy the whole company.”
Godspeed, girlfriend!
Miraculous Medication – Viagra
“Look at that chin. I know that chin.”
Do I need to say more?
Bill Ackman and Carl Icahn TV Battle Royale Award – Bobby Axelrod and Taylor Mason
In 2013, the hedge-funder Bill Ackman and investor Carl Icahn had the most heated exchange live on CNBC’s Halftime Report. The two billionaires traded insults and curses (it was mostly Icahn that yelled at Ackman as well as the program anchor Scott Wapner) as traders and financial journalists had a field day in front of their TVs. Sounds familiar? 😀 You can see the real-life billionaire showdown in its entirety here.
Best Three-Word Phrase (Series Regular) – Chuck Senior – “My casino Indians” – so very wrong, and yet so very Chuck Sr.
Best Three-Word Phrase (Series Guest) – Rich Eisen – “Not entirely legal” – the fight itself may have been a farce, but what made it a hilarious farce was Eisen’s deadpan commentary. That was absolutely brilliant. Again I am amazed at how these actors can keep a straight face amidst all of these lines. It truly isn’t that easy. I wonder how many takes it took to do that fight?
Speaking of That Fight Scene – this was easily the worst TV boxing match since Corporal Klinger faced Sargent Zale in an early episode of M*A*S*H. The only difference being – in this one they basically knocked each other out, while in the M*A*S*H one they delivered a combined TKO of the referee (Major Burns).
The Movie Reference with a Double Meaning Award – Yay to Sacker for the Dawson and Downey call from “A Few Good Men.” And who was Tom Cruise’s assisting attorney for that trial? No, not Demi Moore – I’m talking about Lt. Sam Weinberg – aka Kevin Pollack – aka Douglas Mason. Everything comes full circle in Billions!
The Social Circles Award – Points to Bobby for finally doing something right for Rebecca – I am believing in their relationship a little more these days. But I am still wondering what is going on at TMC. Does Taylor like Lauren? Does Lauren like Taylor? I’m already convinced Sara likes Taylor. Is Sara getting jealous of Lauren? Will all of this play itself out in an ugly way for TMC somewhere down the road? Watch out, because I think there’s something there!
Infected blanket gets reincarnated as a “shit train” and this stimulates ol Jock into proposing….. Already seen this Sunday’s episode.