Damian Lewis and My Homeland

If you have been following this blog for some time,Β  you certainly know about my obsession with Homeland and Brody in particular. And so you probably think this post is yet another one about my all-time favorite fictional character…

Well, you’re wrong! πŸ™‚

This post is about Damian Lewis and My Homeland – the country that I was born and raised in: Turkey. I have been inspired to write this post in London in August 2022 when Damian signed the set list I lifted at his first live music gig in Turkish:

“Tesekkur, Bahar.” (“Thanks, Bahar.”)

Continue reading “Damian Lewis and My Homeland”

Eight Years with Damian Lewis


Fan Fun with Damian Lewis is eight years old today!

Eight years?!?!?!

YES, eight years!

I vividly remember the conversation I had with Lewisto in the last weeks of 2014 about whether it would be worth keeping an online fan diary about Damian Lewis. Being the rational guy that he is, Lewisto suggested I do itΒ  only if I was confident I could commit for at least two years so it would be worth the effort.

2 years?!?! We just quadrupled that πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ Continue reading “Eight Years with Damian Lewis”

Damian Lewis and My Homeland

If you have been following this blog for some time,Β  you certainly know about my obsession with Homeland and Brody in particular. And so you probably think this post is yet another one about my all-time favorite fictional character…

Well, you’re wrong! πŸ™‚

This post is about Damian Lewis and My Homeland – the country that I was born and raised in: Turkey. I have been inspired to write this post in London this summer when Damian signed the set list I stole from the Omeara stage in Turkish:

“Tesekkur, Bahar.” (“Thanks, Bahar.”)

Continue reading “Damian Lewis and My Homeland”

Catching Up with Damian Lewis at Film at Lincoln Center

I said it before. I will say it again. August 2022 marks, after three years of famine, a month of delicious feast, a Damian Lewis one to be precise, for me! In early August, I was so privileged to be in the audience at Damian’s very special first gig at Omeara in London. And I feel very lucky that I was also there at the newly 4K restored Keane screening followed by a lively Q&A discussion with director Lodge Kerrigan and Damian himself. Continue reading “Catching Up with Damian Lewis at Film at Lincoln Center”