In Memory of Alice Munro: A Country Doctor – Damianista’s Dream Role for Damian Lewis

Damianista’s note: I wrote the following post a few years ago as part of our “Dream Role for Damian Lewis” project. My dream role for Damian is based on a short story by Alice Munro, a Nobel Laurate and one of my favorite writers. Munro passed away yesterday and I would love to share my  dream role for Damian in her memory. Rest in peace, Ms. Munro.

I was very lucky to meet Damian Lewis in person for the first time at Cheltenham Literature Festival in October 2014. I probably stood out as the crazy fan at their book signing after his and Helen’s brilliant performance of reading love poems to each other from Allie Esiri’s The Love Book compilation. The Brits are proper. They do not ask for photos. I think I was the only one in that long queue who asked for a photo but also for a bit of his time citing that I came all the way from North Carolina (his state of residence for six months every year between 2011-2013 thanks to Homeland) to meet him! Continue reading “In Memory of Alice Munro: A Country Doctor – Damianista’s Dream Role for Damian Lewis”

A ‘Dancing with the Stars’ Champion: Darlene’s Dream Role for Damian Lewis

Hi all! Damianista here. Our  ‘Dream Role for Damian Lewis’ series continues today with Darlene who is determined to cast our guy in a role that would bring  him again to this side of the pond 😀  Many thanks go to her for sharing her dream role with us!

Continue reading “A ‘Dancing with the Stars’ Champion: Darlene’s Dream Role for Damian Lewis”

From Shakespeare to Bronte: Lourdes’ Dream Role(s) for Damian Lewis

Hi everyone! Damianista here. The screenwriter and casting director we have today is Lourdes, a lawyer and  a writer, all the way from Peru! I was so lucky to visit Lourdes’ beautiful country a couple of years ago and I would recommend everyone to travel there. As I leave the word to Lourdes, huge thanks go to her for sharing her dream role(s) for Damian with us.

Continue reading “From Shakespeare to Bronte: Lourdes’ Dream Role(s) for Damian Lewis”

A Heart Surgeon: Lynda’s Dream Role for Damian Lewis

Hi everyone! Damianista here. Today’s dream role for Damian Lewis comes from Lynda whom I met on Instagram when I posted one of the earlier dream role stories. As Lynda commented that she wanted to see Damian play a doctor, I kindly asked her whether she would consider writing about it, and here we are! Huge thanks go to Lynda for taking the time to share her dream role for Damian with us.


Continue reading “A Heart Surgeon: Lynda’s Dream Role for Damian Lewis”

A Couple of Classics and a Rocker: Joyce’s Dream Role(s) for Damian Lewis

Hi everyone! Damianista here. Fan Fun ‘Dream Role for Damian Lewis’ series continues today with a true fan and a good friend. Joyce and I randomly met at Damian’s NY Times Talks in New York back in 2016. Well, it was not really random, was it – given that I was the first and Joyce was the second fan in the line? 😀 It goes without saying that we hit it off immediately and have been in touch since. Joyce wrote about how her first binge brought her Damian Lewis in our earlier “How did you become a fan of Damian Lewis?” project, too! And now she is giving us her dream role(s) for Damian: A Couple of Classics and a Rocker! Huge thanks go to Joyce for her brilliant imagination and story. ENJOY!

Continue reading “A Couple of Classics and a Rocker: Joyce’s Dream Role(s) for Damian Lewis”