Brody Countdown 4 – NotLinda and JaniaJania Talk Brody and Carrie

No question that in this spell of not seeing Damian on screen, I’ve been phoning it in a bit on this blog. (But, hey, what else is writing for the internet but phoning it in … literally?) During these “dry spells” as we like to call them, there always seems to be room to keep talking about Brody. So here we are, sharing a bit of the exchange between me and NotLinda in the comments on my “Was it Love” series.

You know what it was about these exchanges that made them particularly special to me? The fact that I learned something new and that my mind was changed a bit. Frankly I went into Homeland from Day One as a fan of Claire Danes. The guy playing against her was a new face to me, as he was to a lot of us. Of course that new face drew me in, marked his place in the Homeland world and all the various worlds he ever inhabited and will inhabit…grabbed a hold of all attention, never to let it go ever again. Still, I was always willing to talk for days about Carrie, and not so much about Brody, who, as I’ve always said and thought, was a dead man walking.

Exchanges with NotLinda were the first time, it pains me to say, that I saw more in Brody than a poor lost soul. I loved him, who didn’t, but, still, I knew he was gone before he ever even got here. NotLinda saw some light there though. Not necessarily hope, but, definitely some light. And I’m grateful for her showing me some of that light too! Continue reading “Brody Countdown 4 – NotLinda and JaniaJania Talk Brody and Carrie”

Homeland Season 2: Star Ascendant

If you missed Homeland Season 2 Part I, you can read it here.


“ Go to Brody .. empower the guy.” Peter Quinn

At the Brody home chaos ensues. Dana has taken off, Jessica is raking her husband over the coals for the events at the police station, Brody is due in half an hour to meet with Roya, and Carrie is right outside with her team listening to it all, worrying.

Jessica, how has she made it this far? It’s unbearable. There is no way she can understand any of this. “Tell the CIA to back off, that your daughter matters more!” “I CAN’T I CAN’T I CAN’T!”

Continue reading “Homeland Season 2: Star Ascendant”

Homeland Season 2: Star Ascending

JaniaJania gave us a wonderful “Carrie and Brody: Was It Love?” series covering every single scene with Carrie and Brody in Homeland Season 1 followed by a discussion between NotLinda, a wonderful reader and an occasional Fan Fun contributor, and herself. And now we are thrilled to leave the stage to NotLinda for her to give us Carrie and Brody in Season 2. We MISSED them, didn’t we?

Please ENJOY!

Welcome to an examination of the relationship between Damian Lewis’ Brody and Claire Danes’ Carrie traveled in Season 2 of HOMELAND. It’s a wild ride with hairpin turns. However, as importantly, this season is a mesmerizing character study of Nicholas Brody. The character is pulled by opposing, coerced, and uncontrollable forces. The repercussions of his commitment to Abu Nazir, the unexpected bond to his family, and his deal with CIA. At the top of his game, I’ve never seen Damian so compelling. Please enjoy – Continue reading “Homeland Season 2: Star Ascending”

NotLinda and JaniaJania Talk Brody and Carrie

No question that in this spell of not seeing Damian on screen, I’ve been phoning it in a bit on this blog. (But, hey, what else is writing for the internet but phoning it in … literally?) During these “dry spells” as we like to call them, there always seems to be room to keep talking about Brody. So here we are, sharing a bit of the exchange between me and NotLinda in the comments on my “Was it Love” series.

You know what it was about these exchanges that made them particularly special to me? The fact that I learned something new and that my mind was changed a bit. Frankly I went into Homeland from Day One as a fan of Claire Danes. The guy playing against her was a new face to me, as he was to a lot of us. Of course that new face drew me in, marked his place in the Homeland world and all the various worlds he ever inhabited and will inhabit…grabbed a hold of all attention, never to let it go ever again. Still, I was always willing to talk for days about Carrie, and not so much about Brody, who, as I’ve always said and thought, was a dead man walking.

Exchanges with NotLinda were the first time, it pains me to say, that I saw more in Brody than a poor lost soul. I loved him, who didn’t, but, still, I knew he was gone before he ever even got here. NotLinda saw some light there though. Not necessarily hope, but, definitely some light. And I’m grateful for her showing me some of that light too! Continue reading “NotLinda and JaniaJania Talk Brody and Carrie”

Homeland, Carrie and Brody, Was it Love?: Part VI

In the tail end of Homeland S1, we see very little of Carrie and Brody in the same room. So, if I’m to focus on the love story, must needs abbreviate all the cloak and dagger stuff that happens in those last few episodes. Here you have my final installment of the Was it Love series.

Continue reading “Homeland, Carrie and Brody, Was it Love?: Part VI”