A Misunderstood Genius: Gingersnap’s Dream Role for Damian Lewis

About this project: I started thinking what meaty role I’d like to see Damian play when I shared my idea with Damianista. She said go for it. I wrote my piece and it sat collecting dust waiting for others to think of their dream role. I had all but given up when Damianista wrote her dream role, and it snowballed from there. Now we have over 20 dream role contributions thanks to the fans! We started publishing the dream roles and then the unthinkable happened. Damian lost Helen. We lost Helen. The world lost Helen. Such a deep, deep wound. We needed to push the pause button for obvious reasons and we are now resuming the series, starting with mine. We will publish everyone’s dream role thereafter. Here we go (again)!

Chameleon. That’s the first word that comes to mind when I think of Damian’s acting abilities. He can play anything, and brilliantly so! Over the years many have proposed ideal roles they could see him portray.

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