Billions Season 1 Dining Guide: Eat like a Billionaire or without Breaking the Bank

source: Showtime
source: Showtime

I know I am a broken record but Billions is a dream coming true. Not just because it is one of the most, if not the most, smartly written show in the history of TV. Not just because it is bringing my favorite actor Damian Lewis to my screen. But also because it is being shot in NYC, my favorite place on earth: Let me put it this way. If I had not blogged about Damian Lewis, I would probably have blogged about New York, in particular about its fantastic dining scene since my husband and I are crazy foodies. He loves to cook and we both love to eat. That is why NYC dining scene making some memorable appearances in Billions, from some of its “special occasion” restaurants to yummy hole-in-the-walls to cozy neighborhood joints to dining landmarks and take-out places, makes me SMILE big!

So, here is our Billions dining guide as a thank you to the show for showcasing the dining capital of the world in the best way possible: Some of these places are my NYC favorites and I believe, being the forensic fan that I am, I have been able to figure out almost all of them using hints from the scene as well as Google and, hey, Google earth, too! 🙂 Continue reading “Billions Season 1 Dining Guide: Eat like a Billionaire or without Breaking the Bank”

Billions on Showtime, Season 1 Locations: The Grand Tour in New York and Beyond

source: Showtime
source: Showtime

I told you all before. Billions is a dream coming true for me since it is bringing two of my favorite things in the world together: Damian Lewis and New York. And I particularly love the fact that the show is taking over New York, the BIG film studio that it is, and shooting all over the place, from Manhattan to Queens to Brooklyn to The Bronx to Long Island and to northern suburbs.

I published a warm-up Billions locations post months ago, just using information from teasers and trailers, before Season 1 hit our TV screens. And, in that post, I promised a comprehensive locations tour by the end of the season… and so here we are with Billions Season 1 Locations: The Grand Tour in New York and beyond. This is my tribute to my most favorite place on earth as well as to my all-time favorite actor and my favorite TV show. Hope you enjoy it!

And if you think I am missing a location, please let me know and I will be very happy to add it to the list. Continue reading “Billions on Showtime, Season 1 Locations: The Grand Tour in New York and Beyond”

Billions ep 12 : The Conversation

The season finale of Billions starts with a wonderful shot of Axe rising to be part of the NY landscape. He waits to give Wendy a prize for fixing him. From there the episode progresses into a series of cathartic scenes fit for a stage.



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Billions on Showtime, Episode 12: The Conversation

source: Showtime
source: Showtime

May I just say I will miss Sunday nights so much? Here’s my typical Billions Sunday: Watch at 10pm and live tweet. Take notes. Watch for a second time at 11pm. Take more notes. Sit down at midnight and start to write. Go to bed as the sun rises. It sounds crazy, doesn’t it? Sitting down to write for hours as if the world is waiting for my recap to be published… But it is not that. It is the thrill. I just LOVE the ride. Billions is such a pleasant puzzle to think about and write on. Standing Ovation for all brilliant minds behind and in front of the camera for the last 12 weeks! And special thanks go to my husband for bearing with me for the last couple of months and letting me sleep until noon on Mondays.

Continue reading “Billions on Showtime, Episode 12: The Conversation”

Billions ep 11 : Magical Thinking

Master of reading the charts and anticipating risk, master of seeing the long shot and taking the short road to get there, Difference Maker Bobby Axelrod has had a slip in judgement. He hasn’t seen what every other manager and analyst, “to a man”, has seen, and by refusing to budge in the face of the majority opinion, he proceeds to lose. And lose big. Axe Capital is on the brink of losing upwards of $800 million simply due to Bobby’s stubborn and ill-conceived refusal to see the numbers he’s always been able to see. But was it a refusal to see the big picture or an incapacity? Is Axe losing his wizard skills or did he subconsciously sabotage himself? These are the questions up for exploration in this penultimate episode of the series.


Continue reading “Billions ep 11 : Magical Thinking”