Previously on Billions: Naming Rights

Previously on Billions…

Pete Decker is on the phone and apparently trying to make a ‘gold play’ to Bobby. If you have been paying attention you know Gold is not currently a good investment. It is quite interesting that Danny Margolis made contact with Bobby in the Pilot and here we have Decker with a play which is utterly ludicrous to even think Bobby would get involved. Hmmm…I make that two out of three.

source: Showtime
source: Showtime

Wags tries admirably to keep transport low key because some investors have had their feathers ruffled by Bobby and his beach house being all over the Post, but the King isn’t having it.

Over at Chuck’s office, Bryan is lecturing on noodles while they discuss how to bag Axe. Pete Decker’s name comes up again as the ‘in’ to getting at Axe. Chuck orders that all of Decker’s Analysts and Traders should be tracked and they jump on the first one to make a mistake.

“That Ponzi thing” is mentioned. We have no indication of what that is, but as Kate was just discussing “spraying shit all around” maybe we should take note of it.

Continue reading “Previously on Billions: Naming Rights”

How Loyalty Rules Bobby Axelrod’s Billions *UPDATED*

source: Showtime
source: Showtime

Regardless of the context it is set in, a good TV show is ultimately about human relations. It is the complex characters with exciting and compelling relationships in their personal and professional life that MAKE it great. And we can’t have enough of them in Billions.

I live and work in a world, academia, that cannot be farther away from the world of Axe Capital. Thus, I am fascinated by this world that is ALL NEW to me, and, in particular, by how Axe runs his business. Here’s my take on what it takes to be king with many thanks to Lady Trader who kindly read the post and gave me the thumbs up earlier.

Bobby “Axe” Axelrod is running a 15 billion dollar worth hedge fund. He is, in Chuck’s words, “an icon of the wealth of our age.” Thanks to his power and influence on the markets, Axe is the king that he is. Revered. Respected. Envied. However, as Pete Decker points out it is a zero-sum game and “these guys are like kings. There is always someone coming to assassinate them.” So… how do you run a business in a setting where there is always someone, say it is the US attorney, the SEC or another hedgie, trying to mess with you? Yes, exactly like a king, you have your close circle, you have your fixers. But one keyword stands out in Axe’s tight network: Loyalty.  Continue reading “How Loyalty Rules Bobby Axelrod’s Billions *UPDATED*”

Previously on Billions: “I’m ready”

Damianista’s note: Exclusively for Damian Lewis fans in Damian-land aka the UK! We know you are more than READY for Billions Episode 2 at 9pm on Sky Atlantic tonight and our Bookworm has a GREAT Episode 1 refresher here to get you fully in the mood! ENJOY!

‘Previously on Billions’…sadly this is no Damian Lewis voice over, but you could just pretend it is…

So ‘Previously on Billions’…

Chuck Rhoades likes  someone else to be in control when it comes to his sex life.

source: Showtime
source: Showtime

BEATI QUI AMBULAN IN LEGE DOMINI (Blessed are those who walk in the law of the lord), adorns the front of the US Attorney’s office for the Southern District of New York. Chuck happens to be the US Attorney and at work he is the one in control and he has no love for either Spyros of the SEC (who waltzes into his office about suspected insider trading in relation to Pepsum Pharmaceuticals) or Bobby Aexlrod of Axe Capital.

Bobby Axelrod likes Pizza so much he wants to go in to partnership with the owner of his local Pizzeria who has suddenly found himself in a squeeze with his new Landlord.

source: Showtime
source: Showtime

Bobby Axelrod, Hedge Fund Manager wastes no time schooling two employees on the fact that it is important to know “the who” as well as the numbers in relation to what to do with Lumetherm.

Continue reading “Previously on Billions: “I’m ready””

Billions on Sky Atlantic, Episode 1: The Pilot


Billions has finally made its highly anticipated arrival in Damian-land aka the UK tonight. And it seems the show has some certain households fighting over the remote 🙂

source: @lewis_damian
source: @lewis_damian

I don’t know, mate… I would personally avoid from messing with Aunt Pol! Still, a personal invitation from Bobby Axelrod could be too tempting to turn down! 😀


So if you are in the crowd that did say “YES!” to Damian’s invitation to stay in with him and watch Billions on Sky Atlantic, this blog post is for you! Continue reading “Billions on Sky Atlantic, Episode 1: The Pilot”

Billions Season 1 Dining Guide: Eat like a Billionaire or without Breaking the Bank

source: Showtime
source: Showtime

I know I am a broken record but Billions is a dream coming true. Not just because it is one of the most, if not the most, smartly written show in the history of TV. Not just because it is bringing my favorite actor Damian Lewis to my screen. But also because it is being shot in NYC, my favorite place on earth: Let me put it this way. If I had not blogged about Damian Lewis, I would probably have blogged about New York, in particular about its fantastic dining scene since my husband and I are crazy foodies. He loves to cook and we both love to eat. That is why NYC dining scene making some memorable appearances in Billions, from some of its “special occasion” restaurants to yummy hole-in-the-walls to cozy neighborhood joints to dining landmarks and take-out places, makes me SMILE big!

So, here is our Billions dining guide as a thank you to the show for showcasing the dining capital of the world in the best way possible: Some of these places are my NYC favorites and I believe, being the forensic fan that I am, I have been able to figure out almost all of them using hints from the scene as well as Google and, hey, Google earth, too! 🙂 Continue reading “Billions Season 1 Dining Guide: Eat like a Billionaire or without Breaking the Bank”