Damian Lewis on Stage: Broadway Debut in Hamlet

We continue our walk through “Damian Lewis on Stage” memory lane today with Damian’s Broadway debut in Hamlet, an experience our favorite guy calls a “growing up, coming of age experience” in his career.

source: tumblr.com
source: tumblr.com

Damian does his Broadway debut as Laertes to Ralph Fiennes’ Hamlet in 1995. The Almeida Theatre production is staged first at Hackney Empire in March 1995, and after its successful run in London, it comes to Broadway in the summer of 1995 — OMG, yes, almost twenty two years ago! Continue reading “Damian Lewis on Stage: Broadway Debut in Hamlet”

Damian Lewis on Stage: The Early Plays, 1993 – 94


In case you missed it, we talked about Damian’s drama school experience last week here.

Damian graduates from The Guildhall School of Music and Drama in 1993. Ken Rea, Damian’s drama teacher at Guildhall, describes Damian arriving at drama school “an articulate, well-mannered young man with a bit of a polite façade,” and leaving with “the complete raw vulnerability that really grabs you as an audience.”

As soon as he graduates, Damian starts off at Birmingham Rep  — where Laurence Olivier also started his career in 1926 — with two plays, namely Rope and Romeo and Juliet in 1993  followed by Moliere’s School for Wives at the Almeida Theatre in London in 1994.

Continue reading “Damian Lewis on Stage: The Early Plays, 1993 – 94”

Damian Lewis on Stage: Guildhall School of Music and Drama

Damian Lewis is making a wonderful comeback to West End stage in Edward Albee’s late masterpiece The Goat, or Who is Sylvia? at Theatre Royal Haymarket in March 2017! And this gives us a unique opportunity to walk through the memory lane and visit Damian’s stage work in its entirety. It is our pleasure to kick off the festivities today with Damian’s theater education at Guildhall School of Music and Drama! We hope you share and enjoy this journey with us!


Damian discovers theater in his early school days at Ashdown House: His first ever role is a policeman in The Pirates of Penzancea Gilbert and Sullivan operetta. And by age 12, he has good stage experience under his belt with a few low and high moments 😀 Continue reading “Damian Lewis on Stage: Guildhall School of Music and Drama”