Jointly and Severally

Back in April, we posted a short crossover story together which can be found here We are currently working on extending this into something more. This is another layer of the fan fiction world where people ’co-author’ stories. This month’s blog is focusing on this aspect of fan fiction and is a discussion about it.

We wondered how others who co-author might go about it.

Does one person do one chapter and the other does the next?


I’ve read fics in the past that have been co-authored and I feel like they’re written beautifully, and I have been in writing workshops where I’ve written a piece and then handed my work to a partner so they can write the next installment and likely take the story in a new direction. I think if writing a comedic or “fluff” fic, working that way would be particularly fun. But in a more dramatic fic with lots of plot points and twists and such, I think plotting it out ahead of time and knowing exactly what your partner plans to contribute to the story, would work better.


I’ve heard of others doing it this way, but I doubt I could work like this  as I think if you are doing a story together, it has to be mapped out together across all chapters. Continue reading “Jointly and Severally”

“American” Damian Lewis

“This sounds absurdly pretentious, but the American Damian, I’m sort of oddly comfortable with him.” – Damian Lewis

source: LA Times
source: LA Times

Blogging has very interesting dynamics. You cannot imagine the amount of serendipity we have in the team and how many of our post ideas come out of casual chats online… And, this one came to me completely through a brilliant tweet by my partner JaniaJania — who just poured our admiration for Damian’s acting into beautiful words — you rock, girl!


Now that our Englishman is in New York making Billions, it’s proper to talk about “American” Damian 🙂 Continue reading ““American” Damian Lewis”

What Happened to the MAGIC Homeland Mug?

source: Daily Mail
source: Daily Mail

Suppose you have a chance to ask Damian Lewis one question.

What would that be?

Mine would be a funny one: “Hey Damian, what happened to the magic Homeland mug?”

Isn’t it ridiculous? But I really want to find out about what happened to the magic mug!

Well, here’s the story… Continue reading “What Happened to the MAGIC Homeland Mug?”

Nicholas Brody has LEFT the building…

source: Daily Mail
source: Daily Mail

I bet, being a BIG Elvis fan, Damian would be proud of my title for this piece 🙂

Well, tell me, what could be a better day than combining a shopping trip to Ikea in Charlotte with a quick visit to my Homeland Mecca?

Homeland was our local TV show before they moved to South Africa for Season 4. They filmed the first three seasons mostly in Charlotte, a two-and-a-half hour drive from our house in Durham. And, I never visited the set thinking that they would always be there and I could visit one day… Oh, yes, shoot me!

The Brody house was at the core of Homeland in many ways in the first three seasons. It is the place where it all started and also ended in a way…

This is the place where Nicholas Brody started once again from scratch to bond with his wife and kids whom he had not known anymore… Continue reading “Nicholas Brody has LEFT the building…”

Take Route


It has been remarked and, indeed, I remarked myself recently that one of Damian’s biggest strengths is the ability to say a lot without speaking i.e. he uses his eyes, his facial expressions and body language in general to convey his characters’ thoughts and feelings.   I found myself struggling with one of my fan fictions, at a loss as where to take it, when another idea fully formed popped into my head. I had originally intended for it to only be 4 or 5 chapters long, but it ended up being 14 chapters as it took on a life its own. It sprang from the notion of Damian’s ability to make his characters say so much without speaking…from a slightly different angle. Continue reading “Take Route”