What were you doing in 1995? Cynthia’s Story *UPDATED*

Hello all! Damianista here. Welcome to Fan Story Tuesday!

We are publishing Cynthia’s story for a second time today because we have LOVELY updates to share! ENJOY!

copright: Cynthia Canty

Those of you from Michigan may know Cynthia from her program Stateside on Michigan Radio, part of the NPR digital network. Cynthia has had work experience in radio and TV for more than 35 years.  She has been a popular radio host, a TV news anchor, producer and a medical and consumer reporter. She has won a number of awards for her writing and reporting — including an Emmy! And, in addition to all this, Cynthia is a Damian Lewis fan. Big thanks go to her for being one of the first to respond to our call for fan stories and sharing this very special story.

Without further ado: What were YOU doing in 1995? This is Cynthia’s story.

Continue reading “What were you doing in 1995? Cynthia’s Story *UPDATED*”

She comes for Michael Fassbender, stays for Damian Lewis: Sharane’s Story

Hello all! Damianista welcomes you to a NEW Fan Story Tuesday!

Today’s fan story comes from Sharane who defines herself as an “actorholic.” You will love her story in which she comes for Michael Fassbender and stays for Damian Lewis 😀 Massive thanks go to her for taking the time to share her wonderful story with us. Enjoy!

Continue reading “She comes for Michael Fassbender, stays for Damian Lewis: Sharane’s Story”

When they had some time to kill, Brody was there to help: Lina and Breni’s Stories

Hi everyone! Damianista welcomes you to a new Fan Story Tuesday!

We celebrated Homeland’s birthday yesterday and shared with you our own stories about how this show basically changed our lives. And, today, we are bringing you fan stories from two wonderful fans who have joined the fandom earlier this year. Both Lina and Breni, exactly like most of us on this blog, came to the fandom via Homeland, and exactly like us, were mesmerized by Damian’s fantastic portrayal of Nicholas Brody. And the rest is history! We thank them for sharing their lovely stories with us all and for their constant and kind support to Fan Fun. Cheers! Continue reading “When they had some time to kill, Brody was there to help: Lina and Breni’s Stories”

Falling for The Man Who Hardly Breathes: Tsvetanka’s Story

Hi everyone! Damianista welcomes you to a NEW Fan Story Tuesday!

Tsvetanka and I met on Fan Fun Facebook page. And it may be thanks to being from the same part of the world, she grew up in Bulgaria and I grew up in Turkey, that we clicked almost immediately. The two of us have much in common but we have our differences, too: For example, I am way shameless when it comes to asking Damian Lewis for a selfie where as Tsvetanka is extremely thoughtful about not taking his precious time and occupying his personal space… until a certain “enabler” starts to work on her…  I am happy to report Tsvetanka finally took her chance on the last day of The Goat! She was still too shy to ask for a photo but got a lovely autograph! 🙂

source: Tsvetanka

My dear Tsvetanka: I make a personal promise here to take you to stage door myself for a photo with Damian next time he does a play in London. You are a wonderful fan and a wonderful human being that I am extremely happy to call a friend. Thanks so much for sharing your lovely fan story with us. Cheers.  Continue reading “Falling for The Man Who Hardly Breathes: Tsvetanka’s Story”

Discovering a Young “American” Actor in Band of Brothers: Kana and Cindee’s Stories

Hello, everyone! Damianista welcomes you to a NEW Fan Story Tuesday!

As Band of Brothers is having the 16th anniversary of its debut on HBO this week, what can be a better celebration than sharing with the fandom lovely stories from fans who “discovered” Damian Lewis as Dick Winters in Band of Brothers? And Kana and Cindee have more in common than “meeting” Damian in Band of Brothers: Both were extremely surprised when they found out the actor who brings Major Dick Winters to life on television was, in fact, British! 😀 Thank you, Kana and Cindee, for sharing your wonderful stories with us. Here’s to sharing Damian Lewis love for many years together!  Continue reading “Discovering a Young “American” Actor in Band of Brothers: Kana and Cindee’s Stories”