Desert Island Discs with Gingersnap

Desert Island Discs (DID) is a BBC Radio 4 Programme where invited guests share the soundtrack of their lives. Specifically, eight music tracks, one book and a luxury item.

What would you take with you to a deserted island? Better yet, what did Damian choose?

Here’s his selections:

Damian’s DID

And now it’s time for Gingersnap’s DID Playlist:

Continue reading “Desert Island Discs with Gingersnap”

Desert Island Discs with Damianista

I identify a lot of things in my life with music. Almost every piece of music I love reminds me of some sweet moment, and sometimes a bittersweet one from a particular time in my life. I associate my memories with music so much so that I believe we all should have a life soundtrack. And I know my husband would tell you mine should be the soundtrack of the movie Amelie! 😀

Damian playing the piano after Game for Grenfell, September 2, 2017

It has been pretty easy to identify the pieces of music that reminds me of Damian, who is a very musical man, or several characters that he brings to life. The only challenge has been to limit the list to eight. I have done my best to choose the eight I feel most strongly about and I hope you enjoy them! Continue reading “Desert Island Discs with Damianista”

Throwback Thursday to Desert Island Discs with Damian Lewis

source: BBC
source: BBC

Holidays are COMING — most fabulous time of the year that we spend with family and friends and make new happy memories! That’s why I thought it would be FUN to have Damian talk about some happy memories of his own today on the blog. And I cannot think anything better than the sweet stories he shared with us when he was Kirsty Young’s Castaway on BBC Radio 4 Desert Island Discs (DID) two years ago.

Here’s the drill if you are not familiar with the program: The castaway comes having done his homework; with eight pieces of music — one of which he will choose as his favorite — plus a book and a luxury item that he will take to his island with him. You hear the music during the program accompanied with a story from the castaway about why he has chosen this particular piece. We focus on Damian’s selections today on the blog, and you can listen the entire Damian Lewis DID here and download it to listen on the go, too!

Continue reading “Throwback Thursday to Desert Island Discs with Damian Lewis”

JaniaJania’s Desert Island Discs

Taking a somewhat different approach to this Desert Island Disc challenge presented by my blog-mates. Conventionally, Desert Island Discs are those must-have pieces of music that would sustain you on a desert island. It’s music that you could listen to over and over again while you wait to be rescued. And it’s music that would give you hope that you would be rescued. But that music, for me, isn’t music that would necessarily be connected to Damian Lewis in my mind. So, rather than Desert Island Discs, my list is going to be a mixtape of music that reminds me of Damian Lewis specifically. It’s music that makes me think about characters he’s played and of him as a person too. As it turns out, it’s also music that I could listen to all the time. Some is sad, some is happy. Some is peaceful, some is angry. All the ways I like my art. This list is not just my personal list, but includes a lot of the best music ever made as determined by a lot of lists. One’s mind resists going anywhere less than the best when thinking of Damian Lewis.

So, let’s get to it: Continue reading “JaniaJania’s Desert Island Discs”

Desert Island Discs with LilMisfit

Music has always been an important component of my life. My mother sings in a choir, my brother plays saxophone, and I used to play flute. Not incredibly well, but still.

We’d always listen to the radio and blare my parents albums in the car when I was growing up. While my parents had diverse, all around great taste in music, it wasn’t until I owned my first CD player and later on my first iPod, that I really developed an appreciation for music. Listening to what I wanted, blaring my favorite songs on my headphones (at way too high a volume). I’d listen to discs and playlists on the bus to and from school and I’d be transported. Continue reading “Desert Island Discs with LilMisfit”