Bobby Axelrod and Wendy Rhoades: A Special Relationship – Part VI

In case you missed Part V, it is here.

Billions has never shied away from shocking us over its first two seasons; say it is when Bobby threatens Wendy with the pictures Hall had taken of the two of them naked at the spa,  or when Chuck sells out both his dad and his best friend to get Bobby, or when Bobby steals Donnie’s Christmas because he cannot risk him living longer. And now it is time for Wendy to shock us all with her cold-blooded calculations as she makes her decisive move to save her two boys and herself from going to prison.

It is fascinating how Bobby and Chuck immediately recognize the need to dump Ice Juice scheme on someone else when Wendy leaves the table for a few minutes. They have to make Wendy’s short go away but in such a way that the case does not go to trial. They divide the work: Firstly, Bobby will have the new Halls to “massage” the phone records so they do not locate Wendy in Chuck’s office when she calls Mafee to short Ice Juice. Bobby will also make it look like Dr. Gilbert has made profits in Ice Juice. And he will need to make sure Mafee does not share with the Feds what they want to hear about Wendy’s short. Chuck, on the other hand, will ensure that the good doctor will take the plea and go to prison without a trial. Yet, both men hesitate to mention sending someone innocent to prison in front of Wendy thinking that she may not take it. Continue reading “Bobby Axelrod and Wendy Rhoades: A Special Relationship – Part VI”

Billions Season 4 Trailer: From Nemeses to Partners in Crime

My earlier “What to Expect When We are Expecting Billions Season 4” post was based on my own thoughts and a few hints from the  “You gotta pick sides” teaser for the new season. The recently dropped official Season 4 trailer and the new “An American Oligarch” teaser, while answering a question or two I had, make me ask hundred more 😀

We all know they edit trailers so they do not give away much but a taste of what is coming. Still, I cannot help dive deep into the trailer, dissect it, try to put the pieces together and ultimately have fun! Speculation rocks until we have Billions back on TV on March 17 9:00PM ET/PT. So shall we? Continue reading “Billions Season 4 Trailer: From Nemeses to Partners in Crime”

Wags by the Dozen, Part II

Guess what time it is? It’s time for Wags Words of Wisdom, season three. Did you miss our first dozen that covered seasons one and two? Catch up by reading that here.

As I pointed out last time, Mike “Wags” Wagner, played by David Costabile, is my second favorite character on the Showtime hit series Billions-Axe being the first of course. Sure, he’s an acquired taste for some but we gladly claim Wags as our rapacious scumbag. He’s still that pinky ring-wearing, Michter’s whiskey drinking, vintage Mercedes driving, petite handlebar mustache sporting, sharp-dressed man with a childhood affinity for Yosemite Sam, as proven by his ass tattoo of said gun-slinging cartoon outlaw.

Continue reading “Wags by the Dozen, Part II”

Bobby Axelrod: The Boy Whose Dad
Never Came Back, Part IV

It is no secret I am fascinated by Bobby Axelrod’s backstory in Billions, in particular his family background. And the few glimpses we had into the life of young Bobby in Season 1 tempted me to think hard and deep about this man, who grew up in a broken home, and kick off the series “Bobby Axelrod: The Boy Whose Dad Never Came Back.” This series takes a close look at Bobby Axelrod’s human side mostly as a husband, a father, and a son. You can see the first three installments here, here, and here.

Bobby Axelrod is not someone I would hang out with in real life. He terrifies me exactly like he terrifies the actor who brings him to life on screen. Yet, I have come to sympathize with his story and loved some of his qualities over the first two seasons: He grew up in Yonkers in a working class family. His dad left home when Bobby was 12. Bobby had  to work as a paper boy and a golf caddy to make pocket money, played cards in friends’ basements and discovered betting at the racetrack. While he is now a self-made billionaire, Bobby did not forget where he came from. He is loyal to his past, his old friends, and Bruno, the only father figure in his life. Continue reading “Bobby Axelrod: The Boy Whose Dad
Never Came Back, Part IV”

What to Expect When We are
Expecting Billions Season 4


Can you think of a better way to start the year than talking about Billions? I cannot! 🙂

As you are reading this post, I am on vacation in a far far away part of the world. I wrote this post before they announced Billions would be back on Showtime on March 17  at 9pm ET/PT and dropped this true teaser!

I got the exciting news on a 16-hour flight and modified my original post slightly based on a few hints from the 30-second teaser. And huge thanks go to Gingersnap for grabbing screenshots from the teaser as I was struggling with low resolution images on the flight. Hope you enjoy reading this and share your thoughts with us in the comments section! Continue reading “What to Expect When We are Expecting Billions Season 4”