Lara Axelrod: Bobby Axelrod’s Better Half in Billions

source: Showtime
source: Showtime

One of the many reasons why I can’t wait for Billions — the MAJOR one being the prospect of having my weekly Damian Lewis fix on TV — is that the show is giving us not one but two smart and strong female characters in Wendy Rhoades and Lara Axelrod. I just LOVE smart and strong women that give hard time to men — sorry, Bobby!

Well… I have written about Wendy and the uniquely powerful position she may have over Bobby and Chuck here and here. And today I turn my attention to Lara Axelrod and try to figure her out with the information at hand. Continue reading “Lara Axelrod: Bobby Axelrod’s Better Half in Billions”

Billions: First Takes, Fresh Takes

Now, dear readers, what kind of forensic fan would I be if I didn’t do a pixel by pixel analysis of the latest trailer for Billions? What latest trailer for Billions, you ask? Why this one, called First Takes, with some fun behind the scenes bits interspersed with more juicy bits of the story revealed. I’ll tell you one thing from the get-go: I see a different Bobby Axelrod in this preview than has been revealed in previous trailers.

Continue reading “Billions: First Takes, Fresh Takes”

Pick Your Billions Team: We Say GO Team Axelrod!

First things first: Many thanks go to Malin Akerman for sharing this FUN pic showing Billions cast having a blast!

source: Malin Akerman Facebook account
source: Malin Akerman Facebook account

Now… What do you see in this pic?

I see Team Axelrod in action!

Bobby Axelrod (Damian Lewis) on the right. The brilliant and ambitious manager of Axe Capital hedge-fund.

Lara Axelrod (Malin Akerman) on the left. Bobby’s wife. The Queen 🙂

Mike Wagner (David Costabile) in the middle. Chief Operating Officer for Axe Capital or the King’s Right-Hand. Continue reading “Pick Your Billions Team: We Say GO Team Axelrod!”

It’s TIME… Let’s Make Some Buzz for Billions!


A casting call tweet from @CastingAbout the other day is a clear call to action. We’d better start buzzing about NEW Showtime Wall Street Drama Billions!


So, Billions is currently casting for Season 1. If you happen to be in New York, and want to contribute a small part… well, why not? Continue reading “It’s TIME… Let’s Make Some Buzz for Billions!”