Summer Means Damian Lewis in Brides For Me and Here is WHY

“Niki, my darling, I thought about you all last night. That’s more or less how a love letter begins. Isn’t it, Niki? ” – Norman Harris

source: screencap
source: Screencap from movie

UPDATE 08/05/2019: It is THAT time of the year again 😀 While I have been living in the US for the last 23 years, I come back to my native Turkey every summer to visit my family. I am currently in Izmir, my hometown, enjoying my time with family, the food, the sun, and the blue waters of my beloved Aegean sea!

source: New York Times

And while in Izmir, I cannot help think of a Damian Lewis movie which, in fact, starts in Izmir! So, this re-post is sort of inevitable.

Well, have you seen Brides (Nyfes) yet? Continue reading “Summer Means Damian Lewis in Brides For Me and Here is WHY”