Previously on Billions: Short Squeeze

Previously on Billions…

We join Danzig in the early hours of the morning shooting at deer eating everything he had planted. He is thereafter swarmed by armed Police and then arrested.

Bobby gets a phone call about it and he and Hall go to pick Danzig up.

Bobby and Danzig have a discussion outside Axe Capital before work about why Danzig did it. “I was blowing off steam I guess”. There is quite an in-depth discussion about Danzig’s feelings or lack thereof and the fact he got really pissed at the deer “Eat, move, shit. Repeat. How can things that dumb have the gall to occupy the same space I do?” Danzig clearly has some issues. He asks Bobby if that one makes sense to Bobby and Bobby replies “Yeah, more than you know.”  I also remember another Showtime character shooting at deer eating his flowers and matters did not end well for him!

source: Showtime
source: Showtime

Wendy drops Chuck off at work and he gets flustered when she asks him about Pete Decker who she sees walking towards his building. He denies knowing anything about Decker and bolts.

We are back with Danzig and Bobby. Bobby tells Danzig there won’t be any record of what Danzig has done presumably because Hall clearly has a relationship with the arresting officers. Bobby then embarks on explaining why Danzig needs to reign himself in. He can’t have this behaviour at Axe Capital. I understand where Axe is coming from, but his talk isn’t helping Danzig. Danzig needs Dr Mojo.

Continue reading “Previously on Billions: Short Squeeze”

Secret account omnibus

A Billions fan fiction brought to you with a warning that there are slight spoilers, but not major ones.


**Disclaimer: Billions and its characters belong to Showtime. Not us. There is no profit or copy right infringement intended and absolutely no intention of saying that anyone from Billions stole our ideas in the unlikely event we accidently write something that comes to fruition. This is simply two fans having fun. **

Missing scene from the Pilot

Wendy pulls everything out from the bottom of the cabinet in her study until she finds what she is looking for. Exactly where she expected them to be, right at the back, out of sight and out of mind, but lurking there just as certain thoughts continuously lurk in her mind on a daily basis and from which she only gets respite while she is sleeping.

Gathering the notebooks, she stands up and makes her way to her desk leaving a mess behind her on the floor with the cabinet door open. It is definitely something she would give the kids into trouble for. Maybe moms are as bad as Doctors, but this is her sanctuary and she is free to be a hypocrite. Besides, it is fitting. It would be the perfect presentation of her mind at the moment.

source: Showtime
source: Showtime

Continue reading “Secret account omnibus”

Previously on Billions: Naming Rights

Previously on Billions…

Pete Decker is on the phone and apparently trying to make a ‘gold play’ to Bobby. If you have been paying attention you know Gold is not currently a good investment. It is quite interesting that Danny Margolis made contact with Bobby in the Pilot and here we have Decker with a play which is utterly ludicrous to even think Bobby would get involved. Hmmm…I make that two out of three.

source: Showtime
source: Showtime

Wags tries admirably to keep transport low key because some investors have had their feathers ruffled by Bobby and his beach house being all over the Post, but the King isn’t having it.

Over at Chuck’s office, Bryan is lecturing on noodles while they discuss how to bag Axe. Pete Decker’s name comes up again as the ‘in’ to getting at Axe. Chuck orders that all of Decker’s Analysts and Traders should be tracked and they jump on the first one to make a mistake.

“That Ponzi thing” is mentioned. We have no indication of what that is, but as Kate was just discussing “spraying shit all around” maybe we should take note of it.

Continue reading “Previously on Billions: Naming Rights”

Previously on Billions: “I’m ready”

Damianista’s note: Exclusively for Damian Lewis fans in Damian-land aka the UK! We know you are more than READY for Billions Episode 2 at 9pm on Sky Atlantic tonight and our Bookworm has a GREAT Episode 1 refresher here to get you fully in the mood! ENJOY!

‘Previously on Billions’…sadly this is no Damian Lewis voice over, but you could just pretend it is…

So ‘Previously on Billions’…

Chuck Rhoades likes  someone else to be in control when it comes to his sex life.

source: Showtime
source: Showtime

BEATI QUI AMBULAN IN LEGE DOMINI (Blessed are those who walk in the law of the lord), adorns the front of the US Attorney’s office for the Southern District of New York. Chuck happens to be the US Attorney and at work he is the one in control and he has no love for either Spyros of the SEC (who waltzes into his office about suspected insider trading in relation to Pepsum Pharmaceuticals) or Bobby Aexlrod of Axe Capital.

Bobby Axelrod likes Pizza so much he wants to go in to partnership with the owner of his local Pizzeria who has suddenly found himself in a squeeze with his new Landlord.

source: Showtime
source: Showtime

Bobby Axelrod, Hedge Fund Manager wastes no time schooling two employees on the fact that it is important to know “the who” as well as the numbers in relation to what to do with Lumetherm.

Continue reading “Previously on Billions: “I’m ready””

Billions: Fly Away, Fly Away!

This blog has been a long time coming. Damianista and JaniaJania have been wishing to see it up for a long time . I wanted to wait until I had seen all 12 episodes before posting.

We had devoured all the early promos for the show and have been blogging about Billions for over  a year. We attempted to get a feel for the characters as early as we could and this helped immensely as we discussed what we thought about Bobby and Wendy. Even early on, it was clear those two had a connection. After Naming Rights, we were having one of our discussions and I mentioned that I thought there was some Peter Pan in Bobby and Wendy. I was encouraged to investigate this further as Jania Jania said “Peter Pan is an archetype now…the boy who doesn’t want to grow up.” Investigate I have and there is a fair bit of Peter in Bobby. I am not saying this was intentional on the writer’s part, but that I had fun digging through the book looking for it. .

Quotes from Peter Pan by J M Barrie are in italics. The other quotes not in italics are from Billions.

Bobby and Dr Mojo/Peter & Wendy with sprinkles of lost boys and Tink

Bobby even has his own Wendy, (hereinafter referred to as “Dr Mojo”) and he has built his house around her.

source: Showtime
source: Showtime

“She knew of no Peter, and yet he was here and there in John and Michael’s minds, while Wendy’s began to be scrawled all over with him. The name stood out in bold letter than any of the other words and as Mrs Darling gazed she felt that it had an oddly cocky appearance.”

Dr Mojo’s mind seems to be scrawled all over with Bobby Axelrod and Bobby Axelrod is quite as cocky as Peter Pan. Dr Mojo knows what Bobby is, but she stays by his side for a very long time. She forgives his transgressions and mistakes.

Continue reading “Billions: Fly Away, Fly Away!”