Why Damian Lewis? Part II: The Man

damian88In case you missed “Why Damian Lewis? Part I: The Actor” you can see it here.

Now that we have moved from the actor to the man…

Why Damian Lewis?

What are the qualities that I admire in him? How would I describe the man in a few adjectives?

Ok… I’d say… he’s a witty, kind, charming and articulate man!

I really ENJOY hanging out with witty, kind and charming people, and I deeply ADMIRE articulate people – it is just my soft spot, I just can’t help admiring people that can express themselves readily, clearly and effectively. Continue reading “Why Damian Lewis? Part II: The Man”

Damian Lewis in The Baker: Everybody Deserves A Second Chance :)

“Everybody deserves a second chance.” — Milo Shakespeare


What happens when you have Nicholas Brody, Jaime Lannister (Nicolaj Coster-Waldau) and Albus Dumbledore (Michael Gambon) together in a movie?

The Baker happens!


source: wikipedia
source: wikipedia

Continue reading “Damian Lewis in The Baker: Everybody Deserves A Second Chance :)”

I don’t know about President Obama but I am SOLD…

source: itv.com
source: itv.com

No, no, I’m not talking about Homeland. Both President Obama and I are sold on that one 🙂 I’m talking about Wales.

How come?

Well, March 1 is St. David’s Day — the Feast Day of St. David, the patron saint of Wales, and it is a public holiday. Thus, in honor of St. David’s Day and Damian Lewis’ Welsh roots, why not talk about Wales today? Continue reading “I don’t know about President Obama but I am SOLD…”

THAT Vanity Fair bit with Damian Lewis & Michelle Dockery GOT me thinking…

source: Vanity Fair
source: Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair has a series of videos and a special March issue about how the British actors have invaded — and maybe even conquered — Hollywood.

Well, Hollywood has always, and rightly so, admired and respected great British actors, say Jeremy Irons, Judi Dench, or Michael Kaine. But the on-going invasion is mostly done by a new generation of Brits who have now become “household names”  in the US — some more than the others in my household 🙂 They sometimes fascinate us in British movies and TV shows, and sometimes play Americans in American movies and TV shows. And, thanks to their perfect American accents, some fans may actually find out much later that they are, in fact, British!

Just to drop a few names… some of them may be surprising! Let’s start with our own boy, Damian Lewis, but also Dominic West, Idris Elba, James Purefoy, Benedict Cumberbatch, Eddie Redmayne, Dan Stevens, James McAvoy, Tom Hiddleston… And, the ladies… Keira Knightley, Michelle Dockery, Amy Adams, Felicity Jones, Rosamund Pike, and many, many others. Continue reading “THAT Vanity Fair bit with Damian Lewis & Michelle Dockery GOT me thinking…”

Get Informed, Get Involved & Help Find a Cure for EB!

source: Sohana Research Fund
source: Sohana Research Fund

Damian Lewis is a proud patron of the Sohana Research Fund.

Damian has recently talked to Dr. John McGrath, one of the leading experts in the field of Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) research. You can see the video of their conversation below, and find out about this terrible skin condition, the research to find a cure, and how the funds raised by Sohana Research Fund are directly going into clinical trials that could benefit a number of patients.

Continue reading “Get Informed, Get Involved & Help Find a Cure for EB!”