Best of Billions Season 5

We are thrilled that Billions has been renewed for Season 6! To keep with that Billions state of mind, how about a fun visit to the best of Billions Season 5? Feel free to play along in the comments section. And for those just joining us, you can catch up on the rest by reading Best of Billions 1 , Best of Billions 2Best of Billions 3 and Best of Billions 4.

Best Episode

Damianista: Episode 10 Liberty. Here is my tweet after watching the episode two times and I am still behind my words.

I came to Billions for Damian Lewis and stayed for the show itself. It is certainly the smartest show on TV.  Episode 10 Liberty is all about how wild the game can get and that there is no room to drop your guard even when you are a deca-billionaire like Axe or a mind-reader like Wendy, when the stakes are high. The way Chuck stages the evening to manipulate Axe through Wendy is phenomenal on its own. GENIUS. ps. Brian Koppelman retweeted my tweet 🙂

Gingersnap: Episode 10 ‘Liberty’ is my favorite of season five. What’s not to love about the entire episode? We had an Iron Maiden reference thanks to Mafee, Chuck’s ‘Jeffersonian Dinner’ with heritage birds, a pop culture reference about my favorite 70’s gameshow Match Game with Charles Nelson-Reilly (and his ascot), a cameo by Top Chef Tom Colicchio, a guest appearance from Doc Swerdlow in his 80’s monogrammed track suit dropping drug knowledge like he’s reciting his A-B-C’s, Chuck made eggs in silence and lastly, Wendy and Axe admitted their deeper feelings for each other.

Lady Trader: I think it will come as no surprise that my favorite episode of this season is “Beg, Bribe, Bully“.  Axe is doing his best Gordon Gekko impression in a Rainbow t-shirt, with Ronnie James Dio signing “Long Live Rock n Roll!”.  The educational speech he gives those snowflakes is just gravy!

Best Scene

Damianista: While I have never rooted for them as a couple and I am very satisfied that they did not start something they would not finish, I have to give it to the writers, the director and the actors for the scene between Bobby and Wendy in the Season Finale No Direction Home. It was so beautifully written, shot and acted.

Wendy: If you stay, I’m in. Whatever that means. In all the ways. Including jailhouse visits, if it comes to that. I

Bobby: ‘m sorry, I can’t let it come to that.

Wendy: And I can’t come with you. I just can’t.

Bobby: If we can’t finish it, we can’t start it.

Gingersnap: The best laugh-out-loud scene is when Wags meets Chelsea’s dad in episode 11 ‘Victory Smoke.’ Wags gets the most masterful revenge on New York’s top personal injury lawyer Mick Nussfaur (played by Michael Kostroff). Nussfaur tried to steal Wags’ “forever bed” in season three and tricked him into dressing up in drag back in season four so Wagsy defiled his daughter Chelsea years later! Nussfaur’s face when he opened the front door to see his arch nemesis kissing his own daughter on his porch – priceless. LOL

“Hey there, Dad! Is it too soon? I look forward to long talks, throwin’ the ball around.”

Lady Trader:  Axe defining himself as a “carnivorous monster” and defending his love of capitalism in “The Chris Rock Test” was the best moment of the season for me. Finally, someone on television speaking my language and being a totally unapologetic capitalist was refreshing!

Best Line

Damianista: Chuck uses some powerful words to tell Prince about Axe now owning Chuck Senior in Episode 9 Implosion.

“Axe delivered my father something that at this moment transcends even my familial bond. He gave him life. And so he became the son I couldn’t be. My father is owned by him now.”

Gingersnap: From episode 12 ‘No Direction Home’ when Chuck says to Wags:

“Just shed that dry, flaking skin like the reptile you are and slither away shiny and new.”

Lady Trader: In “Beg, Bribe, Bully” Axe gives a speech to the children and it’s music to my hears:

“Everything that we have is because of capitalism, cause someone had the incentive  to get up off his ass, to out-invent, to out earn”

Best Song

Damianista: “Father and Son” is not only terrific for the father – s0n theme in Episode 3 Beg, Bribe, Bully (Axe and Gordie, Wags and Georgie, Chuck Sr and Jr) but it is also one of the best songs ever written.

Gingersnap: Best song for me was “Bad Company” by the band Bad Company from episode one ‘The New Decas.’ Even better that we the viewing audience heard it in two scenes: when Axe and Wags, the rebel souls that they are, ride motorcycles somewhere off the Alaska-Canada highway after their Ayahuasca-induced spiritual retreat, then later as Axe walks in to the Deca photoshoot. Axe is a badass in a beard and leather and he’s badass clean-shaven in a suit looking all svelte. Listen to the song here.

Lady Trader: I know you all think I’m going for the metal song, but I have to keep you on your toes! I loved the use of Tom Petty’s “It’s Good to Be King” in “Copenhagen“. The King taking down his enemy (at least for short while) was the perfect setting for such a great song.

Best Minion

Damianista: Danny Margolis!

Danny always comes through for Axe especially when dirty business is concerned. The guy even drank Ice Juice for God’s sake! And now that he is giving a pristine kidney to Senior, he is deserving a medal for being such a precious minion 😀 I am still laughing!

Gingersnap: Dollar Bill Stearn is ‘da man, ‘da minion. No way he is going to stay with anyone other than the Legend Axe and he tells Prince so in the season finale ‘No Direction Home.’ Then he rips the dollar from his Bloomberg because he’s out! Always Axe’s faithful minion, ready to kill chickens if need be. Can’t wait to see Ionosphere 2.0 bring the heat. We have a Twitter back and forth about the name of Dollar Bill and Mafee’s new joint adventure. How about Cheap Investments? Dollars and Duds?

“Last couple of years, I think I lost my hunger. My drive. My reason to get up and do what the fuck I do. You’ve just given it back to me, Prince. I’ll see you on the goddamn field of battle.”

Lady Trader: It has to be Wags. Wags will do anything and everything for El Hefe, and he has proved it time and time again. Wags is the person you want in a foxhole because he will always have your back!

Best Axe/Wendy Scene

Damianista: Since I have chosen an Axe/Wendy scene as the best scene of the season I am going for the second best for this one. I really loved the scene in Episode 5 Contract where Axe sits on the floor in his childhood home and lets the broken boy inside him talk to Wendy.

Gingersnap: After finally vocalizing their long-unsatiated desire to be together, the scene from episode 12 ‘No Direction Home’ of Bobby and Wendy saying good-bye to each other while taking a walk at his country home was poignant. And the cinematography was breathtaking.

“If we can’t finish it, we can’t start it.”

Lady Trader: I’m going to pick a scene from “No Direction Home“, but it’s not the farewell scene. It’s earlier in the episode when they are in the garden:

“Where am I standing? Where I always am, back to back with you wading into the fight, together.”

It’s not romantic, but I never thought there love was. They love each other, but are not in love. Best friends, fellow warriors, and possibly the only two people who really “get” each other.

Best Axe/Chuck Scene

Damianista: Axe – Chuck press conference 🙂

I so LOVE the Ali vs Frazier analogy when Axe vs Chuck is concerned. And, of course, both men think of himself as Ali 🙂 The  Ali – Frazier press conferences were almost as popular as their fights…

…and so my vote goes to the Axe – Chuck press conference scene in Season Finale No Direction Home –  a brilliant tribute to the most heated rivalry in boxing history. And I cannot tell you how much I will miss the acting heaven that is Damian and Paul <3

Gingersnap: Most scenes between Axe and Chuck are explosive, but I found this scene from episode one ‘The New Decas’ to be laced with rich Machiavellian undertones and just laugh-out-loud funny. Axe returned Chuck’s prized Churchill first-edition, inscribed volumes of The Second World War, all under the guise of an act of friendship. Remember, Axe had cornered the market on all first-edition copies back in season two.

Lady Trader: I’d like to say the scene on the helipad in “No Direction Home” when Axe made Chuck look like an idiot, but since Axe really isn’t in that scene, I’ll go for the last one they had together in the same episode:

“You can’t make anything, build anything on your own, so you boost yourself up by tearing me down!”

And I ask, where’s the lie? I will miss these two and these electric scenes. I just don’t know that a Chuck/Prince feud will have as much hatred.

Best Axe/Taylor Scene

Damianista: Taylor saving Axe Capital from the Vigilantrix fiasco in Episode 7 Limitless Sh*t!

Taylor goes directly into Axe’s office once they hear from Rian about her “conversation” with businesses and scientists in Chile! Axe does not want to listen to Taylor and blames them for not buying into his mineral play because it is not quant or impact. But Taylor’s explanation is straight from Economics 101: Minerals have high value due to their scarcity but when a company buys $3B worth of them, there is excessively abundant supply that their value will only go down. As Axe is convinced that Vigilantrix is not Limitless Sh*it but Scarface Sh*t, he makes everyone turn off their Bloombergs and Taylor takes over to save the day!

Gingersnap: Taylor’s character has lost momentum and seemed sidelined most of season five. I hope they are more prominent in season six. For me, the best scene between these two fucking math nerds is when Taylor visits Axe at his country home in the season finale ‘No Direction Home.’

Axe: “Your problem, as an investor, is that your idealism is at war with your profit drive and one day that will ruin you.”

Taylor: “While your problem, as a boss, as a mentor, as a person, is you see my work product, my company, me, as yours to do with as you see fit.”

Axe: “And so now you’ve killed your mentor.”

Lady Trader: In “No Direction Home” Axe does something he once was good at: read people. And he tells Taylor a truth they don’t want to hear, but may think is true:

“The time you feel bad slitting your enemies throats will get shorter and shorter in the future until it’s barely a blip.”

Taylor doesn’t disagree. As I have written several times, the student has become the master.

Best Friend

Damianista: Ira Schirmer

Could there be a better friend than Ira? I mean it is one thing that he forgives Chuck for what he did to him in the Ice Juice scheme, but it is another thing that he still supports Chuck – from bringing him take-out falafel sandwich from Mamoun’s to listening to his relationship problems to finding evidence that would clear Chuck of a possible scandal of rigging the elections back in college.

Gingersnap: Bobby Axelrod is the best friend of Mike Wagner and Mike Wagner is the best friend of Bobby Axelrod. Axe and Wags have a special Shaggy and Scooby relationship, loyal to the end.

Wags will stop short of nothing for his fearless leader, like in episode eight ‘Copenhagen’ when he proved his unrivaled research capabilities to get the dirt on Prince. Only a reprobate henchman could complete 18-hours of debauchery under the guise of a smorgasbord of shit like wining, dining, drugging, grooming, levering and horse trading to obtain intel on an adversary. You can always count on Wags for that consistent dividend.

And in episode 12 ‘No Direction Home’ when Wags leads Chuck on about cooperating against Axe right up until his diatribe about relocating to Idaho, surviving on egg noodles with ketchup and wearing a wire near his manly nectarines. Wags was never buying what Chuck was selling. Then Axe rescues Wags by swooping in to the closed meeting like Sharkman (Superman’s ginger cousin, but same “S” on chest) and takes over the situation. Fast forward towards the end of the episode when Axe returns the favor and has a bag full of gold bars delivered to Wags on the pier, along with a document showing Wags never signed on the dotted line as CEO of Axe Bank. Wags is free and clear of all anti-money laundering laws and any wrong-doing.

Lady Trader: Ira Schirmer has to be the best of a best friend. Chuck has screwed him over and over, but he is still willing to do whatever he can to help old Chucky out. Chuck is lucky he has a friend like Ira, because he doesn’t have many friends at all!

Best Single to Catch

Damianista: Mafee

Well, he is very cute but it turns out he also has the brains exactly I like them! 😀 Mafee is a certainly a true Mensan  – the speed with which he is able to answer the test questions is beyond impressive! And, moreover, he seems to be my soulmate since – the nerd-y girl that I am – I live for this kind of brain teasers! And I have to brag that I yelled “48!” at my TV screen before Mafee typed 48 for Problem 6. I am looking forward to playing WordScapes and Sudoku together!

Gingersnap: Wendy. Any man lucky enough to have Wendy as a partner in love and life would be beyond rich. Axe knows, ask him if you don’t believe me. GIVE HER THE DAMN SHOW.

Lady Trader: Axe. $2 Billion and all the skiing you want in Switzerland? Not having to watch the NYSE until 3:30 in the afternoon? And think of all that amazing chocolate! I’d be very happy to be hosting dinner parties where Roger Federer is a guest!

Most Appetizing Food

Damianista: Missy Robbins’ Signature Mafaldine with Peppercorns and Parmagiano Reggiano.

If Bobby Axelrod is a carnivorous monster, I am a pasta monster and I was over the moon when Billions had Missy Robbins, one of my culinary heroes, as well as her signature Mafaldine with Pink Peppercorns and Parmagiano Reggiano in Episode 2 The Chris Rock Test.

Lewisto and I have followed Chef Robbins and her divine cooking for over a decade from Spiaggia  in Chicago to A Voce on Manhattan, and finally to her own wonderful restaurant Lilia in Williamsburg – one of the “hardest to secure a table” restaurant in New York. The recipe for her signature pasta is available here. Bon Appetite!

Gingersnap: Can never go wrong with eggs. In episode 10 ‘Liberty’ for three+ uninterrupted minutes – without dialogue or music – the Attorney General of the great state of New York cracks, whisks, cooks, seasons, flips and serves an omelet. A nod to the famous frittata scene from the film Big Night with Stanley Tucci and Tony Shalhoub.

Best Twist

Damianista: Just because I loved it SO MUCH… Axe, in Season Finale No Direction Home, makes everyone, including Chuck, believe that he will surrender  and then ultimately does not! It is so satisfying to see the expression on Chuck’s face when he finds out the chopper that is supposed to deliver Axe is empty! Ha! Who is Ali now, Mr. State AG? 🙂

Gingersnap: Axe gave us the best twist when he curated a kidney for Charles Senior, who was appointed as trustee of Axe Bank. Chuck seeing none other than Axe’s Museum Curator Danny Margolis rolling up behind Charles Senior on a gurney as the kidney transplant donor was pure gold.

Lady Trader: I would have never thought Mike Prince would do anything for Axe, but in “No Direction Home” he gave him the head’s up about Chuck, and let him have a smooth getaway. Yes, Prince did not do it for friendship (getting Axe Holdings on the cheap was a great feat!) but I did not think he would throw Chuck under the bus!

Best Character Development

Damianista: Mike Prince. We got to learn in twelve episodes that while Mike Prince believes he can only be a monster from Monsters, Inc. he is actually as big a monster as Axe. But he does not make emotional decisions like Axe and that is why he is now sitting in his chair.

Gingersnap: Rian aka Gal Gadot’s younger sister per Winston. I want more. Otherwise, it could get “awk.”

Best Snarky Moment

Damianista: Axe asking Wendy about the drawing Tanner made of her in Episode 6 The Nordic Model:

“You posed for this? Or was it from memory?”

Gingersnap: Most snarky retort goes to Prince. While at Chuck’s sit down soiree titled “The Jeffersonian Dinner” in episode ten ‘Liberty,’ guests dined on “heritage birds” with the same genetic makeup of turkeys that roamed the Shenandoah Valley in Long Tom’s Day. Prince’s response to that menu introduction had me in stitches when he mocked Chuck, “I’m surprised you’re not in a powdered wig and tricorn.” LOL This is referencing Paul Giamatti’s (Chuck) character he played in John Adams.

Lady Trader:  When Taylor is breaking up and firing Lauren in “Liberty” and says “IR girls are growing on trees these days” it was petty, and snarky, and really just uncalled for.

Funniest Moment

Damianista: It is a tie between two characters that are full of themselves!

Todd Krakow posing a la Napoleon for his portrait in Episode 6 The Nordic Model

Mike “Thomas Aquinas” Prince reciting his lines as he gets ready to be confirmed as the Ambassador Extraordinaire and Plenipotentiary to Denmark in Episode 8 Copenhagen

Gingersnap: Spyros giving me supreme Spyros in episode six ‘The Nordic Model.’ This newly minted Mensan was screaming in delight like a pre-teen when he/she makes the cheer squad after he received his acceptance letter and membership pin. We all know the true Mensa member of the group is really Mafee.

Lady Trader: I never thought I’d like to see Bryan Connerty back, but in this case, I’ll make an exception. In “Contract” he says not a word, but gives Chuck what he deserves – a punch right in the chops! Was it laugh out loud funny? No, but it did bring a smile to my face!

Best Reference

Damianista: Tin Cup gets the Cup! 🙂

Wendy’s reference to the underrated, great movie Tin Cup in Episode 8 Copenhagen brings back sweet memories! Tin Cup is the first movie I saw at a movie theater when I moved to the US 25 years ago with two luggages and big dreams! And yes, Wendy, Axe is not Don Johnson, he is Roy “Tin Cup” McAvoy himself. 

I have to note – this is the fourth reference to a Kevin Costner movie (the previous ones being Dances with WolvesField of Dreams, and The Untouchables). Long-time readers of this blog know that there was Kevin Costner way before Damian Lewis!

Gingersnap: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, specifically, Augustus Gloop who is a greedy, arrogant, gluttonous, selfish kid from Düsseldorf, Germany. In episode two ‘The Chris Rock Test’ Dollar Bill busts the greedy and selfish Winston about his secret golden tunnel (hehe, Augustus had a secret golden ticket to the Wonka Factory) and running his own money, which is a hedge fund violation. Of course the Cheapest Man in America wants in on the action, but Winston warns him that anything larger than six figures on a 3.64 ratio strategy won’t work…they’d get stuck in the tube like Augustus Gloop resulting in an algorithm making suboptimal trades.

Lady Trader: There were so many to choose from this season, but I’m going to go with my heart. Anyone who knows me, knows my favorite NBA team is the Boston Celtics (the 1985-86 Championship Team to be precise), so it brought a smile to my face to see the Axe Team smoking the same cigars as the architect of that team, the iconic Red Auerbach in “Victory Smoke“.

Best Dressed

Damianista: Lauren Turner

The colors. The textures. The combinations. Lauren definitely gets my vote as the best dressed on the show. She is the whole package. And her statement jewelry is the icing on the cake. Go, girl, and do not worry we know you are not one of those IR girls that grow on trees!

Gingersnap: Kate Sacker. She gets best dressed for the entire season in my book, but in episode 9 ‘Implosion,’ she was on fire. Nails, hair, jewelry, on fleek!

Lady Trader: I think I give it to him every year, so why break the trend? Wag is as dapper as they come, and I’m here for it! Anyone who wears a pinky ring is going to get top marks from me.

Best Prop

Damianista: The drawing mentioned above in the Most Snarky Moment! It traveled from Tanner’s hands to Wendy’s purse to the floor of Tanner’s studio when the two broke up and ultimately to Axe’s hands! I think Axe spent a lot of time time looking at it during the lockdown and he was  holding it as he was opening his heart to Wendy in Episode 10 Liberty.

Gingersnap: Spyros’ top hat from episode five ‘Contract.’ He looks like he just got back from the haberdasher with this top hat attire he’s donning. Axe compares him to a butler but I kept waiting for him to pull a rabbit from under that topper. Add a teacup and he’s the Mad Hatter. Or in this case, a cappuccino cup.

Best Wags Words of Wisdom

Damianista: The way Wags responds to the jewelry guy who is asking if he is buying an engagement ring for Chelz in Episode 11 Victory Smoke:

“Does Superman take to the air because he needs to be in Chicago for a convention? He flies because he can.”

Gingersnap: When Wags chastised Tuk in episode 10 ‘Liberty’ for interrupting his dinner with Chelsea at the office. He’s in no mood for Department Head talk! Wags teaches Tuk a very quick lesson about how to read a room, in all his wisdom and glory:

“Does my office look any different, Tuk? The tablecloth? The candlelight? Maybe the beautiful, young inamorata sitting right here? Do ANY of these signs tell you that now is not a good time? Let’s review some basics. I AM THE GODDAMN CEO OF AXE BANK. I am neither your Department Head nor the person you come to with your imbecilic questions. I have much, MUCH bigger fish on my metaphorical plate and a fucking Cold Coq au Vin on my actual plate. And nobody likes cold coq, you know what I’m sayin’?

Best New Character

Damianista: Catherine ‘Cat’ Brant

Not for only being a Professor of Sociology at Yale who has written six books – which is quite kick-ass on its own – but also for what she says to the law school students who were about to faint when challenged by their new criminal law professor and gets results 🙂 I have to add these are the words that I have most identified with in the history of Billions!

“Holyshit, guys. And yeah guys. I’m calling all of you guys, males, females, and enbies. And I have tenure. So suck it if you don’t like it.

You have the rarest of opportunities here. This man has faced the harshest battles the courts can throw at you. He sat where you now sit and rose to the highest level a lawyer can. And is ready to share all that.

And you — you lean back, afraid to face your own intellectual limitations. Instead, dive in. I know some of you, most of you, have done the reading, prepared your briefs, and are ready. So sit up straight. Put your hands in the air and let him see it.”

I was looking forward to Billions exploring her relationship with Chuck further in the second half of the season. But we had to leave it at “it’s just too many limbs” 🙂 Damn pandemic, I guess.

Gingersnap: This is easy – Doctor Swerdlow, the 80’s monogrammed track suit-wearing Medicine Man. He has graced us with his presence in only three episodes but he is such a staple IMO. He first appeared in episode seven ‘The Limitless Sh*t’ followed by episode nine ‘Implosion’ and then episode ten ‘Liberty.’ God I love degenerate characters. I’m adding him to my curated collection of favorites along with Axe, Wags, Dollar Bill, Spyros, Krakow (gawd the smug that Danny Strong pulls off is pure artistry), Charles Senior, Tuk, Lonnie and Dr. Gus.

Any time Doc Swerdlow is in a scene he steals the show, and we owe that to Rick Hoffman’s genius portrayal. Giving me vibes of a dope-peddling candy-man, he is the best recurring character and has some of the funniest dialogue, especially in episode ten ‘Liberty:’

“Yeah, I keep his meds straight, his rod straighter and his nose clean.”

Then tells Chuck Jr. he’s “Helen fucking Keller” when it comes to silence.

Finally, he informs the room of his drug expertise as only a candy-man would know,

“Say what you will about moral decay…but you don’t know true freedom until you’ve gotten behind some government-derived, pharmaceutical-grade jump juice. Amphetamines, baby. You know what I mean? Of course you don’t. Wink, wink. I’m not talking about some sweaty meth cookers wearing rebreathers and hitting up every CVS inside the county line for Sudafed and Drano. No, no, no, no, no. I’m talking primo caca turned out by chemist-vintners. And I for one, can’t wait to see the ground that these high-end grasshoppers break out once it’s legal.”

Best Chemistry

Damianista: Axe and Wags – five years in a row, baby!

I continue to see in them an old and odd couple where two people do not need words to communicate and there is always time for a good tease. From taking a motorbike road trip to looking at art, they are delightful together. And their chemistry does continue of the camera…

Gingersnap: Axe and Wags, same as my blogmate!

Lady Trader: Even though they are no longer an item, I really liked the chemistry between Taylor and Lauren. Taylor seemed happy and at ease with the “IR girl”, and that is not something we see often.

Best and Worst Axe Moments


Best: Not many to choose from to be honest. But I think Axe is at its best when he genuinely helps his favorite artist to make more money – help Antony Mangieri’s pizza to get into the supermarkets’ freezer section! And for the fans of Una Pizza, Chef Mangieri is re-opening Una Pizza some time this fall. Hallelujah!

Worst: Plenty to choose from! But I will go with those stomach-turning, revolting, nauseating, unappetizing, distasteful, gross words  in Episode 1 The New Decas:

“I’d like to try THAT.”

What the actual fuck?

You cannot try a woman like you try a new car, a new pair of jeans, or a new fancy restaurant.

And, I mean, how does Wags arrange such a thing? Does he just call this model and tell her Bobby Axelrod would love to enjoy her company?!?! Or is it even more straightforward, something like “Hi honey, Bobby Axelrod, yes, the deca-billionaire, wants to try you.” I seriously want to give Axe the benefit of the doubt because he seems desperate to make himself happy. But I just cannot. This is way too gross.


Best – With Wendy.

Episode 12 ‘No Direction Home’

Worst – With eye candy.

Episode 1 ‘The New Decas’

Axe tears a perfume ad out of a magazine and points to the model and says:

“I’d like to try that.”

Lady Trader:

Best: In “Opportunity Zone” we got a bit more Bobby from Yonkers that Axe and it was refreshing to see. He brought the Zoning Board out to the street, and pointing out just how much he was Yonkers and it sealed the deal!

Worst: Axe threatening to cut his Mom off in “Contract” was a low. I will understand when he gets in the mud for business, but this was not good.

Best Cameo

Damianista: Bobby Axelrod’s beard

May I just be a fan girl for a second?  Thank you Billions for bringing us the beard whose appearance always makes my heart beat faster in Episode 1 The New Decas!

Gingersnap: Top Chef Tom Colicchio in episode 10 ‘Liberty’ helping Wags wine and dine his date Chelsea.

Best of the Rest

Damianista: From Chuck asking Senior whether any of his bastards may be compatible with him to Swerdlow (I cannot bring myself to call him a doctor!) taking over Senior’s medical care to two Chucks checking out caskets online to ultimately Axe giving life to Senior – the kidney storyline is all around phenomenal!

Gingersnap: Charles Senior. Anything he does is the best of the rest.

Author: Damianista

Academic, Traveler, Blogger, Runner, Theatre Lover, Wine Snob, Part-time New Yorker, and Walking Damian Lewis Encyclopedia :D Procrastinated about a fan's diary on Damian Lewis for a while and the rest is history!

2 thoughts on “Best of Billions Season 5”

  1. 2 questions —
    1) Wouldn’t the SEC or the IRS have a copy of the copy that Wags signed?
    2) Couldn’t Chuck use Dawn Winslow to testify against Wags who acted as a CEO when negotiating with her?

    1. Well, you know I am not a defense lawyer for the show If you look deep enough, you can definitely find loopholes. And I can tell you Hall may have made the SEC/IRC copy disappear – he already has a mole in there, which is also possible. And about Winslow, it is probably best not to have your circle bigger than it already is. Cooperating with a criminal may not be something Sacker could feel comfortable with IMHO. But I guess these questions are ultimately for the show creators/writers.

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