Can’t Believe It’s Been Two Years: Damian Lewis’ First Ever Gig at Omeara London

I feel extremely privileged to have been a part of Damian’s fantastic first ever gig in London exactly two years ago. Then I was very lucky to attend  many other magical music gigs with Damian and his brilliant band but it is very special to know that I was there at the very beginning of this thrilling musical adventure. So, please join me at Omeara London, a truly beautiful and  intimate music hall, today to revisit every single detail I remember from that utterly exciting evening.

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“Is She the Tutor?” Or Throwback Thursday to American Buffalo Stage Door


Hey all, Damianista here!

My husband Lewisto wrote this very post back in 2015. While it is an extremely funny story centered around Damian, it is quite personal and says as much about the two of us as about Damian. That is why I am sharing it again this week marking Lewisto’s birthday! Since it is Lewisto’s story I do not intend to give any spoilers but I cannot help say if you think of Carrie and Brody as the best cat and mouse you have ever seen… you ain’t seen nothing yet 😀


source: Damianista
source: Damianista

Folks, I have a fun story to tell.

First, let me put the record straight: We are a lucky generation. Our life time has given us geniuses of all sorts, from Maradona to Michael Jackson, to Jean-Georges Vongerichten, Banksy, Steve Jobs, Mandela, Philip Glass, Haruki Murakami, Serena Williams…. and our very own Damian Lewis. Continue reading ““Is She the Tutor?” Or Throwback Thursday to American Buffalo Stage Door”