Previously on Billions: Season 2, Episode 10 “With or Without You”

The morning after the night before…Axe wakes up to an empty bed and a note from Lara “You lied to me”.  He leaves his first message “You can’t just…can you just call me, please?”

source: Showtime

Wendy is ordered in to Axe’s car by Hall, who is not happy and blaming Wendy for Lara taking off.  He snidely lectures Wendy on Lies perhaps being acceptable in her marriage and insists he has only lied to Lara once. I don’t believe that. Clearly, however, Axe has a scale on what he considers to be a lie.  His behaviour in this scene is threatening and aggressive.  Wendy submits “Can I get out the car now.” She is asking for permission! Say, what, now?

Hall then adds a bit more threat “If we have any further questions I will call…or maybe I will just show up.”

Hall shows Axe security tape from the house of Lara taking money and leaving with the boys. Lara appears to have used none of Axe’s resources (vehicles) or other properties they have. She has just disappeared and Hall disabled the GPS in her car months ago at Axe’s request. The three phones are off! No credit cards have been used.

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Why “The Goat” is More About Us Than About a Goat

“I almost dare not ask this… but who is Sylvia?” -Ross

The Goat, or Who is Sylvia? has opened to rave reviews and BIG thanks go to the audience members, who happen to be our eyes and ears in the theatre, for sharing some wonderful moments online — like this fantastic curtain call on Instagram.

In earlier posts about The Goat here and here, we deliberately avoided from giving any spoilers. But now that the cat (or should I say the goat?) is out of the bag in the play’s reviews, in recent interviews Damian has given as well as in viewers’ posts all over social media, I would love to give my two cents about why I believe The Goat is more about us than about a goat and that it deals with deeper and more universal themes than some might think. Now, if you are planning to go see the play and you are not one for spoilers, STOP HERE. Otherwise, dive in!
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Damian Lewis and Shakespeare

Speaking of Shakespeare in his anniversary month and of Damian’s return to stage also this month, let’s revisit Damian’s turn as Antony. Seems one Antony visited another at the opening of “The Goat”.

In the talk with Stacey Wilson Hunt at SAG-AFTRA Foundation, it is notable that Damian never had straight up formulaic answers for any of the excellent questions asked by the interviewer. He seemed to put some real thought into all his answers. Something struck out as requiring further exploration from that interview. When asked about the best advice he’d been given as an actor, Damian turned it around into a story of his biggest professional regret. Damian tells us that he was once offered a major role in a major Shakespeare production to be staged at the very major National Theatre by, as you can imagine, an appropriately superlative artistic director. In sharing this story, he provided a perfect instance of the notion that our biggest lessons come from our biggest mistakes. Continue reading “Damian Lewis and Shakespeare”

Fan Story Tuesday: A Band of Brothers Collective

It is Fan Story Tuesday again and this week we have a collection of different stories from a few of our readers. The response to the wonderful idea by Damianista (co-inspired by Lady Trader) to share how we each discovered Damian has been fantastic. We have lots of stories to share so if yours hasn’t popped up yet, please be assured ladies and gents, we will get to them and we do appreciate your sharing with us!

Long-time follower, Iza, is going to start us off and Charlene, Ali and Kathleen follow. BIG thanks go to each and every one of them for their sweet stories and constant support.
Continue reading “Fan Story Tuesday: A Band of Brothers Collective”

Billions on Showtime, Season 2 Episode 10: With or Without You

source: Showtime

The overslept birthday boy, who was totally oblivious to his wife’s pain at Yonkers Racetrack, wakes up in an empty house. Lara has taken off with the boys leaving a note that reads “you lied to me.” Well, he did. Her phone is off and his first voice message is kind:

“Will you just call me? Please?”

source: Showtime

Cameras show Lara taking four 10K bricks out of the vault and leaving with light luggage. She has not used the jets or the chopper. We find out Axelrods have a NYC apartment, homes in Aspen and Miami as well as a vineyard in addition to their two properties we have known of and Lara is not at any of them. Hall disabled the GPS in her car at Axe’s request months ago and she has not used EZ-pass or any credit cards yet. Continue reading “Billions on Showtime, Season 2 Episode 10: With or Without You”