How did Carrie and Brody’s Love
Story Take Off in Homeland?

source: showtime
source: showtime

I don’t know what it was that had you hooked on Homeland, but I know that, for me, it was not the CIA story… Not at all… It was Carrie & Brody love story that made me a die-hard Homeland fan and kept me at the edge of my seat for three seasons. Carrie and Brody made me, and a lot of other fans, believe in their impossible love with the off the charts chemistry Claire Danes and Damian Lewis had on screen! And, I just turned a deaf ear even when they gave us hints this may not end up well — think about Carrie’s “Imagine that!” to Brody’s “But we could be happy, couldn’t we?” or Brody’s “Maybe this will all end in tears….” and rooted for my favorite star-crossed lovers to live happily ever after against all odds!

Yes, yes, I know, I know, as my mom loves to regularly remind me “it’s not a romance, it’s a CIA show” I just couldn’t help it, I loved the possibility of the impossible love story.  And that is probably why, even though I still watched Homeland… well, you have no other option but behave when a certain ginger gentleman tells you to watch… I feel it missed something… well, someone… Yet the show was still good at keeping you at the edge of your seat for eight seasons which I think is quite an accomplishment on its own! Continue reading “How did Carrie and Brody’s Love Story Take Off in Homeland?”

Off To The Races: Damian Lewis in Dream Horse *UPDATED*

Dream’ took us to places you couldn’t even imagine. There we were going to Aintree for probably the greatest race on the planet. – Howard Davies

Howard Davies

The man you see in the picture above is Howard Davies. He is a tax adviser in Cefn Fforest, a small Welsh town where the community has gone through hard times since the mining industry collapsed in the area. Howard worked for the biggest tax firm on the planet for 15 years, got sick of it, resigned and did his own thing for a while but it did not work very well. He is a middle-aged man who wants to get a bit more out of life.

Okay but why are we suddenly interested in a tax adviser living in South Wales? Well, Howard Davies is the man Damian Lewis is bringing to life on screen in his upcoming movie Dream Horse. Continue reading “Off To The Races: Damian Lewis in Dream Horse *UPDATED*”

Desert Island Discs with Lady Trader

Music is something that has always been special to me. It has been there for me in tough times, helped me celebrate joyous occasions, and spoke to me when I thought no one else could hear me. Yes, I am a metal chick at heart, but shuffle my iPhone, and you’re as likely to get RuPaul or Culture Club as you are Black Sabbath or Iron Maiden. I’ve performed music (trumpet for 6 years) in school concerts and saw the power it has to move people. I never trust someone who says they don’t enjoy music!

It was extremely difficult to choose just 8 songs that remind me of Damian Lewis or a character he has played, since I have thousands of songs in my head and heart. I hope I did both the actor and the characters he has brought to life justice. Continue reading “Desert Island Discs with Lady Trader”

TonyaJ’s Dream Role for Damian Lewis

Hi everyone! Damianista here. Today’s dream role for Damian Lewis comes from TonyaJ, a wonderful admirer of our favorite actor. I am not calling her a fan for reasons you will find out in her brilliant essay.

TonyaJ commented on the dream roles Gingersnap and I had in mind for Damian on Twitter and we started a conversation. When she mentioned her dream role for Damian, I kindly asked her whether she would like to contribute to our dream role series, and here we are! Huge thanks go to TonyaJ for taking the time to write for the blog. And with this, I am leaving you with her dream role for Damian Lewis. Enjoy! Continue reading “TonyaJ’s Dream Role for Damian Lewis”

Throwback Thursday to Damian Lewis in An Unfinished Life

Today we travel back to Damian Lewis in An Unfinished Life, a movie directed by Lasse Hallström based on a novel by Mark Spragg who also wrote the script with his wife Virginia Korus Spragg. Damian stars in the movie along with Jennifer Lopez as well as two giants of the big screen, Robert Redford and Morgan Freeman.

Honestly, I was surprised finding out An Unfinished Life was a Lasse Hallström movie when I watched it last year. “Why?” you may ask. Well, because even though I was not a Damian Lewis fan back in 2005, I certainly was a fan of Hallström’s cinema, I still am, and I would watch the movie just because Hallström had his name on it.

For those of you that do not know him, Lasse Hallström is a Swedish film director that first came to fame having made all ABBA music videos. Then he got into film directing and made some of my favorite films from the late 1990s and early 2000s including The Cider House Rules and Chocolat. You may have seen some of his other films including The Shipping News, Something to Talk About (I had a short-lived crush on Dennis Quaid, too, in college!) and What’s Eating Gilbert Grape with a ridiculously talented young actor called Leonardo Di Caprio! So, how come, HOW COME, I did not hear of An Unfinished Life when it hit movie theaters? Continue reading “Throwback Thursday to Damian Lewis in An Unfinished Life”