Damian Lewis and The Queen: A Tribute

When he was asked about how his favorite member of the Royal Family was a few years ago, Damian did not even hesitate for a moment:

Queen Elizabeth II, the second longest reigning monarch in history, passed away last week. Even if you are not a student of history, just knowing that her first Prime Minister was born in 1874 (Winston Churcill) and her last was born in 1975 (Liz Truss) is quite enough to recognize what a remarkable life and reign she had. I understand that emotions are still high about her passing, but the Queen’s life is certainly one to celebrate. And Damian has paid a tribute to the late Monarch on Twitter sharing a sweet moment he had with her once.

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Remembrance 2022

Band of Brothers is a masterful series that taps into every possible emotion that you can feel and it pulls absolutely no punches when trying to display and emphasise the horrors the men and woman fighting in World War II faced.

Band of Brothers sets out to remember those who served in World War II and show us what they had to endure. There is so much for each of us to take from the series, but my own impressions are that the intention was not to glorify war or to paint these men as superhuman.

There is a touching moment (among many) in the extras when Major Dick Winters quotes a passage from a letter he received from Sergeant Mike Ranney, “I cherish the memories of a question my grandson asked me the other day when he said, ‘Grandpa, were you a hero in the war?’ Grandpa said ‘No…but I served in a company of heroes’.” Continue reading “Remembrance 2022”

Band of Brothers at 21: Revisiting Dick Winters

Band of Brothers is 21 years old. Currahee!

As one of the most iconic mini-series of all times, Band of Brothers may have turned 21 but it has never got old. People are still in love with Damian Lewis’ Major Winters and his Easy Company and thousands of families and friends enjoy a Band of Brothers marathon (multiple times!) every year.

To celebrate the 21th anniversary of the mini-series, HBO had Roger Bennett host an official Band of Brothers 12-episode podcast that followed the Easy Company’s footsteps from Normandy to the Eagle’s Nest, episode by episode, with insight from Tom Hanks as well as actors who brought the members of Easy Company to life  – including Ron Livingston, Donny Wahlberg, Matthews Settle, Scott Grimes and our beloved Damian Lewis. Continue reading “Band of Brothers at 21: Revisiting Dick Winters”

Appetite for Power – Eating, Drinking & Dealmaking in NYC: A Billions Guide is ONE YEAR OLD TODAY!

Well, if you are a follower of this blog, you probably know that I published a  Billions book last year:  Appetite for Power – Eating, Drinking and Dealmaking in NYC: A Billions Guide is available for purchase through online vendors like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Strand Book Store, Indiebound, and BAM!.

Today marks the first anniversary of the book’s release and I was very lucky to have a selfie taken with my book and my muse a few weeks ago! Continue reading “Appetite for Power – Eating, Drinking & Dealmaking in NYC: A Billions Guide is ONE YEAR OLD TODAY!”

Redux: Damian Lewis ROCKED His First Gig at Omeara London!

I cannot believe it has already been a month since the magical evening in London because I am still under the spell of the Ginger Elvis who ruled the stage with his originals as well as some great covers! So, one more  time, I want to take everyone into that intimate music hall with me: here is every single detail (a few more details added!) I remember from Damian’s fantastic first gig at Omeara London!

Continue reading “Redux: Damian Lewis ROCKED His First Gig at Omeara London!”