TOP Damian Lewis Moments 2015: “Prince Charming” of Berlinale


One reason that makes us love Damian Lewis even more than we do is that this guy knows how to have a GOOD TIME — exactly like how he did at the Queen of the Desert World Premiere at Berlinale earlier this year!

Damian simply ROCKED the premiere with his wit and charm and was even called “Prince Charming” of the festival by Rainer Traube, the Head of Arts at Deutsche Welle, Germany’s state run international broadcaster.

So… Let’s travel back to February 6 — the day Queen of the Desert arrived at Berlinale! source: Berlinale

Queen of the Desert, the highly anticipated biopic about Gertrude Bell, a historian, novelist and member of the British Secret Service, directed by Werner Herzog, and starring Nicole Kidman, Damian Lewis, James Franco and Robert Pattinson arrived at Berlinale 2015 complete with a photo shoot, press screening followed by a press conference with some FUN moments and, of course, the Red Carpet and an after party! We were extremely lucky to be able to see both the Press Conference and the Red Carpet LIVE on the festival website. That’s what I call public service 🙂 Thank you, Berlinale! Continue reading “TOP Damian Lewis Moments 2015: “Prince Charming” of Berlinale”

TOP Damian Lewis Moments 2015: American Buffalo


We have no intention whatsoever of ranking TOP Damian Lewis moments of the year; however, one incomparably exciting moment in 2015 — well, all 10 weeks of it — was to have our favorite actor back on stage in an incredibly dynamic performance in American Buffalo. In fact, Evening Standard agrees and includes Damian in its list of the most influential people in London Theatre in 2015. Besides, this is a moment where Damian shines as a brilliant actor, as a kind individual as well as a guy who knows how to have a good time!
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Top Damian Lewis Moments 2015: Vanity Fair British Invasion Shoot

Ah, the Vanity Fair British Invasion shoot: where do I even start with this sweet highlight of 2015? Stunning shots of the many actors who have crossed the pond and made it big on screens in the US. The pages in the magazine were lovely, but the video and short film accompanying the shoot was to die for.

Damian Lewis
source: screenshot from Vanity Fair shoot


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TOP Damian Lewis Moments 2015: Sohana Research Fund

source: Sohana Research Fund
source: Sohana Research Fund

Damian Lewis is a proud patron of Sohana Research Fund and has made time for the fund several times this year that we believe collectively make some of the TOP Damian Lewis MOMENTS of the year!

Damian interviewed Dr. John McGrath, one of the leading experts in the field of Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) research back in February. Please see their conversation below and find out about this terrible skin condition, the on-going research to find a cure, and how the funds raised by Sohana Research Fund are directly going into clinical trials that could ultimately  benefit a number of patients.

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TOP Damian Lewis Moments 2015: Wolf Hall


Hey, it’s THAT time of the year again! We have “Best Of 2015” lists wherever we look: Best Books of 2015, Best Movies of 2015, Best Albums of 2015 and so on… And, it is our utmost pleasure to jump on the “Best of” wagon with our TOP Damian Lewis Moments of 2015! We’d just love to take the last two weeks of the year to reflect on the wonderful year Damian has had professionally as well as personally and we hope to make you SMILE and SMILE BIG!

We don’t intend to rank the top moments as many “Best Of” lists do. We just pick moments in which, we believe, Damian shines as a brilliant actor, a true gentleman or a guy who knows how to have a good time!

We are kicking off our Damian Lewis TOP moments list today with a TOP performance in a TOP production that has brought Damian Lewis Emmy, Satellite and Golden Globe awards nominations.

We are giving you Henry VIII in Wolf Hall.

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