We Get a Shout Out! From Damian! Lewis? Yes!! Shout Out from Damian Lewis!

source: timestalks.com
source: timestalks.com

Hi Everyone!

First of all, apologies to those of you that have been expecting a new post in our “Life with Charlie Crews” series… We need to skip a week to share some important news with you! Thank you for your understanding!

We are thrilled to report, as of today, our blog has been LIVE for 18 months! And we are psyched to celebrate with a little shout out from a certain Damian Lewis! Yes, you read it right! 😀

So… You know we recently shared our little interview with Damian Lewis on the blog. After the interview, Damian offered to do a little clip to share with us and all fans what he thinks about this blog and the work we do. And we are extremely honored to share his words here with you! Continue reading “We Get a Shout Out! From Damian! Lewis? Yes!! Shout Out from Damian Lewis!”

Happy Anniversary to Damian Lewis & Helen McCrory!

I have been married for quite some time (20 years in two days!) and my husband and I don’t care much about wedding anniversaries… We somehow feel our wedding day is just the day we “legally” became a couple and what we do is take the day we started dating as THE DAY to celebrate 🙂

So… I am clueless about whether Damian Lewis and Helen McCrory are big on celebrating their wedding anniversary but one thing I know is that even if they are not celebrating, an entire nation is celebrating on behalf of them 🙂

happyann Continue reading “Happy Anniversary to Damian Lewis & Helen McCrory!”

Do It Like Damian Lewis: Stick Out Your Tongue at EB!

source: Sohana Research Fund
source: Sohana Research Fund

You all know by now Damian Lewis is a proud patron of Sohana Research Fund.

Sohana Collins is a young teenager who was born with recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (RDEB or EB) which means she lacks the protein that holds her skin together. Kids with EB have extremely fragile skin that they are sometimes called “butterfly children.” Lots of activities we take for granted as easy routines in our daily lives are a struggle for them. Can you imagine a day where your dressing up takes up to two hours and eating and drinking cause blisters in your mouth and throat? These kids have to deal with this kind of pain every single day. Continue reading “Do It Like Damian Lewis: Stick Out Your Tongue at EB!”

Our Kind of Traitor: US Release Today July 1

As a thriller set in exotic locales and shot with a quick eye designed to keep you on the edge of your seat, Our Kind of Traitor, does not disappoint. In a packed house at Seattle Film Festival, amidst folks who know movies, I’m happy to report there was no shortage of gasps and leaning in, getting to the edge of the seat, throughout the theater. The film had many strong notes and some not so strong. Here’s my review! Some spoilers, but nothing that’ll kill your wanting to see it for yourself – the film is in general release in the US today, July 1!

Continue reading “Our Kind of Traitor: US Release Today July 1”

Billions on Sky Atlantic, Episode 8: Boasts and Rails

Hold on to your hats, Billions fans, because this week’s episode airing on SkyAtlantic is the one where the proverbial shit hits the proverbial fan. In this episode, ostensibly named for squash plays, we get the nitty gritty of where Bobby Axelrod was on 9/11 and what he was doing. And we see, here, how Bobby “boasts” of his actions that day and “rails” against the flack generated by them, now, 15 years later.

Continue reading “Billions on Sky Atlantic, Episode 8: Boasts and Rails”