Fan Fun with Damian Lewis is Calling All Fans! *THIRD CALL*

Hi everyone!

First things first: Thank you so much to all of you that responded to our first call about “Fan Stories” project. We received many emails from you saying you want to contribute and we have already received many wonderful stories, too. But we want MORE! And so this is our third call and our reminder to you all!

We are launching a brand new project on Fan Fun with Damian Lewis and we would LOVE you to be a part of it!

How did you become a Damian Lewis fan? THAT IS the question 🙂 Continue reading “Fan Fun with Damian Lewis is Calling All Fans! *THIRD CALL*”

Throwback Thursday to Damian Lewis at Harvest Festival 2013

“Let’s gather as a band of one, in symphony across the land…” Henry Birtles, The Harvest


I would love to take us all today to a special Harvest service, organized by British Food Fortnight to rekindle the tradition of Harvest Festival, at the Westminster Abbey in 2013, an event that Damian Lewis does not only attend with family — as a foodie, I cannot think of anything better than celebrating food with family, no wonder Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday! —   but also actively participates in the celebrations as well as has a conversation with the Duchess of Cornwall, who is also in attendance, about the whereabouts of one certain Nicholas Brody! 😀 Continue reading “Throwback Thursday to Damian Lewis at Harvest Festival 2013”

Billions Season 2: What do we know so far? *UPDATED*

Billions is returning to Showtime for its second season on February 19, 2017! The season premiere is now EXACTLY four months away and given they are more than half way through now with Season 2 shoot, it is time to talk about what we know about the new season!

Source: Showtime
Source: Showtime

Should we start with how a day on Billions set is like? And, for this, we owe big thanks to Brian Koppelman who opens a window for us all through Twitter and Instagram. We LOVED his series of tweets about a day on Billions set and JaniaJania storified it for us – fantastic job, partner! Continue reading “Billions Season 2: What do we know so far? *UPDATED*”

Now Out on DVD: Our Kind of Traitor is My Kind of Movie


The long wait is finally over! Even if you missed Our Kind of Traitor during its limited run in movie theaters this summer, you can now have it on DVD or stream it on Amazon or iTunes.

I was lucky to catch one of the preview screenings in New York and it was an exciting experience to see Damian Lewis for the first time on big screen! I am happy to report I LOVED the movie but again I love my movies slow-cooking and artsy with flawed characters that come across as puzzles. I love spending two hours in a movie theater figuring out the puzzles as the story unfolds on screen.

Adaptations of le Carré books on big and small screen, as far as my experience goes, are my kind of movies. They are not typical action/fantasy movies with lots of stunts and special effects. They give you intricate story lines, clever conversations, fishy agendas and gray areas instead. If you have seen The Constant Gardener, Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy or The Night Manager you know what I am talking about. And if you have not seen any le Carré earlier, Our Kind of Traitor is a good place to start! Continue reading “Now Out on DVD: Our Kind of Traitor is My Kind of Movie”

Bobby Axelrod and Wendy Rhoades: A Special Relationship – Part I

Damian’s character is brilliantly cerebral. Everything’s fast and light and facile, and I feel like I’m doing a ballet with him. —Maggie Siff

source: Showtime
source: Showtime

It is the most intriguing relationship in Billions. It is personal and it is professional. It is sincere and it is strategic. It is friendly and it is flirty. It is complex. It is intense. It is delicate. It is difficult. It is delicious.

It is Bobby and Wendy.

Maggie Siff’s words inspire me to look at them in a new light: A ballet indeed. I will take the next step and say it is a ballet of three acts and dive deep into it!

Let’s first hear from one half of this relationship! I had the wonderful opportunity to ask Damian about his take on Bobby and Wendy after his appearance at Times Talks in June. You can hear it below and I am also transcribing Damian’s answer for our non-English speaking readers who prefer written English to spoken English. Continue reading “Bobby Axelrod and Wendy Rhoades: A Special Relationship – Part I”