Countdown to season two of Billions

It doesn’t seem that long ago since Axe and Chuck tore their respective houses down in their own way, but it is and the countdown to Billions season two is on! They start without Wendy, and it serves them both right!

Season two starts on Sunday, February 19 on Showtime. A warning for spoilers for season one for anyone who has yet to see it all. There are still 13 days until season two hits TV screens so here are a selection of our posts on season one:

We give our own best of Billions season one and would like to hear what yours are. Donnie was one of the highlights for me and I am sad that he is no more, but still think that the Donnie situation may come back to haunt Axe in season two.

Continue reading “Countdown to season two of Billions”

Damian Lewis on Stage: The Royal Shakespeare Company Years

“My heroes were all in the theatre. I wanted to be part of that great tradition that ran back to Garrick and Macready and Kean. That’s what I wished for, when I was asleep and dreaming.” – Damian Lewis in an interview with Telegraph

Damian Lewis in Hamlet (1994) at Open Air Theatre, Regents Park, London

For those of you that are not familiar with these names, and I confess I was not, Damian is talking about David Garrick, Edmund Kean and William MacReady, celebrated British Shakespearean actors of the 18th and 19th century that had substantial influence on the interpretation and understanding of Shakespeare. Continue reading “Damian Lewis on Stage: The Royal Shakespeare Company Years”

A Taste Here, a Taste There: Showtime Billions S2

I’ll be the first to admit that as a hardened cynical member of the grungiest contingent of Gen X, I’m not one to put much importance on advertisements. Don’t need no one shouting at me to buy their thing, I know what I need to buy, thank you very much. Therefore, unless they make me laugh, I tend to ignore ads, fast forward, skip over, keep walking. Come to think of it, laughter is the one and only emotional impulse worth weaving into whatever you’re selling to a woman of my demographic. You’re welcome marketers.

We hear that the best ads, be they video or print, are designed to imprint a brand on our consciousness by wrapping it up in a story. The lanky model gliding down curved neo-renaissance marble stairs? Why, look, how elegant and worldly you’ll be if you only buy this perfume! The sweaty sports guy kicking ass in some random sport? Why, if you drink the stuff he drinks, you just may kick ass too!

My cynicism ran deep and true. That is, until I started following this star you see up there in this blog’s header. He didn’t need to do any selling as far as I was concerned, but I did slowly realize the fact of life that many a millenial has caught on to decades before I ever did. Folks who want to succeed, particularly in competitive, highly visible fields in the limelight, do need to brand themselves and sell themselves. And shows that said people are on need to do promos to get the buzz going. Since I started writing for this blog, ads that I would’ve once ignored or derided are suddenly requiring second and third looks and lengthy discussions about what it all means. Especially when a certain someone is featured in them. Yes, I know, I know, an ad featuring Damian Lewis is just another hammer hitting another kind of reflex meant to elicit a particular response from a woman of my demographic. But it’s not just *that*, okay? (Doth the lady protest too much? Eh, probably.)

Continue reading “A Taste Here, a Taste There: Showtime Billions S2”

Another two in the hole

Holliedazzle and I have the great pleasure of bring up the derriere of the bloggers’ fan stories… I am hoping someone did indeed discover Damian in the Escapist, but I digress.


We all knew, that being quite new to Damian Lewis fandom, it was very likely that we all discovered Damian Lewis from the same TV show because of the same character, which is one of the reasons I am looking forward to reading your stories from next Tuesday onwards. Damianista is the only one who has read them so it is quite exciting.

Speaking of Damianista, a big thank you to her and Lady Trader for conceiving the idea. And stay tuned next week as the reader’s fan stories start rolling out, as well!

We may have discovered Damian via Homeland, but not necessarily the same way… Continue reading “Another two in the hole”

A Tribute to Everybody’s Favorite Scene in Billions Season 1: The Fake Fight

“Pretend we’re having an argument.” —Bobby Axelrod

source: Showtime

A good hour of television absolutely starts with good writing and I pride myself in calling Willie Reale, the writer of Billions Season 1 Episode 10 Quality of Life, a genius way before I find out that he is, in fact, one! I don’t know if you are familiar with MacArthur Fellowships also known as “Genius Grants” but Mr. Reale is a recipient of this fellowship “in recognition of his ingenuity in creating theater and theater education programs for young people.” Bravo!

Quality of Life, with Donnie’s memorial service being at its heart, has a number of moving parts; however, Mr. Reale delivers the story seamlessly with a number of timely back and forths between the memorial service and all else going on and the episode’s director Karyn Kusama perfectly translates the writing into action. And, in my humble opinion, Brian Koppelman’s tweet sharing with us that the fake argument scene between Axe and Dollar Bill was Reale’s idea alone deserves standing ovation for this brilliant writer! Continue reading “A Tribute to Everybody’s Favorite Scene in Billions Season 1: The Fake Fight”