Throwback Thursday to Damian Lewis in The Baker

“Everybody deserves a second chance.” — Milo Shakespeare

Damian recently tweeted about a movie idea his brother Gareth has that we can all help to make it happen!

What this means, in a nutshell, is that a Lewis brothers collaboration may be on the horizon if Gareth Lewis is able to get The Money Run funded through an indiegogo campaign and have a script written. If The Money Run becomes a movie, Gareth will direct it and Damian will star in it.

Well, do you need another reason to back Gareth’s indiegogo campaign? Continue reading “Throwback Thursday to Damian Lewis in The Baker”


As everyone in the northern hemisphere is enjoying summer fun these days, let’s be oppositional and go back to one of Damian’s darkest roles. Here’s a revisit to the role that determined Damian to be the perfect fit for Nicholas Brody: Keane.

A fun fact: Keane was directed by Lodge Kerrigan, who also happened to direct an episode of Homeland, Season 2, “State of Independence”, the episode where Brody has the run-in with the tailor. Remember those chilling scenes in the woods? Beautifully paced, shot, and performed horror, reminiscent of much of the action in Keane.


Continue reading “Keane”

Damian Lewis Inspires Her to Write a Book: Christine’s Story

Hello, everyone! Damianista welcomes you to a NEW Fan Story Tuesday!

Today’s fan story comes from a very special fan, Christine Wilson. You know we always talk about the inspiration Damian constantly provides for us to write about him and his brilliant work. And, in Christine’s case, this inspiration turned into a book that you may have heard earlier: Meeting Damian Lewis. JaniaJania wrote a wonderful review of the book here and we highly recommend you to read it — it is brilliant! And it is our true pleasure today to have Christine here sharing with us how she became a Damian Lewis fan and how the book idea came about, well, over a bottle of wine, maybe two, with a friend. Cheers!

copyright: Christine

Continue reading “Damian Lewis Inspires Her to Write a Book: Christine’s Story”

A Tribute to Everyone’s Favorite Billions Moment: The Fake Fight

“Pretend we’re having an argument.” —Bobby Axelrod

source: Showtime

A good hour of television absolutely starts with good writing and I pride myself in calling Willie Reale, the writer of Billions Season 1 Episode 10 Quality of Life, a genius way before I find out that he is, in fact, one! I don’t know if you are familiar with MacArthur Fellowships also known as “Genius Grants” but Mr. Reale is a recipient of this fellowship “in recognition of his ingenuity in creating theater and theater education programs for young people.” Bravo!

Quality of Life, with Donnie’s memorial service being at its heart, has a number of moving parts; however, Mr. Reale delivers the story seamlessly with a number of timely back and forths between the memorial service and all else going on and the episode’s director Karyn Kusama perfectly translates the writing into action. And, in my humble opinion, Brian Koppelman’s tweet sharing with us that the fake argument scene between Axe and Dollar Bill was Reale’s idea alone deserves standing ovation for this brilliant writer! Continue reading “A Tribute to Everyone’s Favorite Billions Moment: The Fake Fight”

Following the Footsteps of our Resident Londoner

Gotta love it when a passing thought from one post leads to an entire new fully-fleshed-out post. I had remarked, during my two-week tour in London, I was reminded often of places I’d seen Damian in images and film. In particular, when I was walking from Shakespeare’s Globe west towards Blackfriars Bridge along the Thames Path I looked down to the river and saw the moss covered walls where Damian and Helen leaned and loafed for a photoshoot, as well as the pier under which Hector made a phone call in Our Kind of Traitor.

That bit of Proustian mind-wandering lead Damianista to the thought, “Hey, why not do a post where we follow along in Damian’s footsteps throughout London?” “Isn’t that a bit stalkery?” I worried. “Nah,” we both concluded. Happily, Damian knows we are the most harmless variety of stalkers he could ever have. So, here it is, a catalog of all the places and sites where we “saw” Damian, characters he’s played, and stories he’s been a part of in his beloved home town.

Continue reading “Following the Footsteps of our Resident Londoner”