She comes for Michael Fassbender, stays for Damian Lewis: Sharane’s Story

Hello all! Damianista welcomes you to a NEW Fan Story Tuesday!

Today’s fan story comes from Sharane who defines herself as an “actorholic.” You will love her story in which she comes for Michael Fassbender and stays for Damian Lewis 😀 Massive thanks go to her for taking the time to share her wonderful story with us. Enjoy!

Continue reading “She comes for Michael Fassbender, stays for Damian Lewis: Sharane’s Story”

Bobby Axelrod and Wendy Rhoades Preincarnate

Now that we’ve had a fun peek at some filming and behind the scenes pics of Billions Season 3 featuring our favorite working couple, let’s revisit a post on how the relationship between Bobby Axelrod and Wendy Rhoades mirrors another relationship Damian has played: Paul and Lizzie from the BBC film Friends and Crocodiles.

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Generated by IJG JPEG Library
Generated by IJG JPEG Library

Continue reading “Bobby Axelrod and Wendy Rhoades Preincarnate”

When they had some time to kill, Brody was there to help: Lina and Breni’s Stories

Hi everyone! Damianista welcomes you to a new Fan Story Tuesday!

We celebrated Homeland’s birthday yesterday and shared with you our own stories about how this show basically changed our lives. And, today, we are bringing you fan stories from two wonderful fans who have joined the fandom earlier this year. Both Lina and Breni, exactly like most of us on this blog, came to the fandom via Homeland, and exactly like us, were mesmerized by Damian’s fantastic portrayal of Nicholas Brody. And the rest is history! We thank them for sharing their lovely stories with us all and for their constant and kind support to Fan Fun. Cheers! Continue reading “When they had some time to kill, Brody was there to help: Lina and Breni’s Stories”

BREAKING NEWS! Fan Fun is now also running

Hello, everyone!

We are thrilled to announce Fan Fun with Damian Lewis team is now also running

source: Mr Porter

We have been running Fan Fun with Damian Lewis for almost three years. As you all know, we produce our own original content about Damian’s projects, past, present, and future as well as his extracurricular interests like sports and charity work. Knowing that Damian chooses his projects carefully, and inspired by him, we choose our focus carefully and try our best to deliver the most thorough and entertaining content possible to inspire our readers with fun information about Damian’s impact as an artist. We hope we are not only a vessel for promoting our favorite actor but also a vessel for communicating how he, as the versatile creative person that he is, inspires creativity in his audience. Continue reading “BREAKING NEWS! Fan Fun is now also running”

The Tale of the Two Nicholases

March forward Damian Lewis.

Damian has played a soldier several times, but I’m going to focus on two specifically. They share a name, they were both PoWs and they both ended up disgraced and dead.

Nicholas Brody (Homeland)

In Homeland, Damian plays Marine Sergeant Nicholas Brody, laterally promoted to Marine Gunnery Sergeant, before he left the Marine Corps to become a Congressman.

source: showtime
source: showtime


Nicholas McGrade (Colditz)

In Colditz, Damian plays Corporal Nicholas McGrade, laterally promoted to left Lieutenant.

Source: ITV
Source: ITV

There are spoilers for both Homeland and Colditz in this blog. Continue reading “The Tale of the Two Nicholases”