Following Footsteps of Milo
Shakespeare: Vicky’s Trip to Grosmont

Vicky is one of the first, if not the first, fans that followed our Facebook page the day Fan Fun with Damian Lewis came to life almost three years ago. She wrote her brilliant fan story we are proud to have published in our Fan Story Series and she is back today with an equally beautiful story about how she followed Milo Shakespeare’s footsteps in Grosmont, South Wales, the village where Gareth and Damian Lewis shot their killer comedy The Baker! Thank you, Vicky!  Continue reading “Following Footsteps of Milo Shakespeare: Vicky’s Trip to Grosmont”

All Her Big Loves Came as a Shock. So did Damian Lewis: Petra’s Story

Hi everyone! Damianista welcomes you to a NEW Fan Story Tuesday!

Today’s story comes from Petra, aka Lucky Fellow as she likes to call herself, a wonderful fan from Germany, who has been one of our very loyal readers and supporters. Our interaction with Petra is quite special since she always writes in German, and we google-translate her note to English and then respond. And how can you not LOVE this technology letting us overcome any language barrier and share our love and admiration for Damian Lewis regardless of who we are and where we are? And after all, we all speak the same language when it comes to Damian!

copyright: Petra

Petra sent me her fan story in German. I google-translated the piece and then did my best to polish it. I also sent a couple of sentences that google-translate did not do a good job with (word by word translation does not always work!) to Carolin, another German fan and friend, who very kindly helped me translate them. So please find Petra’s story below both in German and English! Big thanks go to her for this lovely contribution and to Carolin for her help with the translation. Enjoy! Continue reading “All Her Big Loves Came as a Shock. So did Damian Lewis: Petra’s Story”

Brody for NotLinda

Writing for a fan blog, you meet a lot of fans. We all know that Damian is one of the rare breed of actor who is able to convincingly straddle multiple genres of storytelling: thriller, romance, shakespearean drama, war drama, the list goes on. Thus he has fans from all over the place too. Lucky to be in a field where constancy is both something you want so folks know what they’re about to get when they see you on screen, as well as something you want to fight against to lesson the risk of pigeonholing yourself in one kind of role. Damian has resisted pigeonholing at every turn.

And, so, we meet Band of Brothers fans, and Forsyte fans, and Homeland fans. Most times we fans intersect over their one intersecting quality: Damian. I met one such true fan recently on my posts about Brody and Carrie’s love story. I’ve always liked the idea of having a sort of call and response in written form, fans interviewing each other, arguing respectfully, like we’re lawyers for the defense of our favorites. And it’s a lovely thing when something comes along to make you think deeper, maybe even change your mind a bit about the stuff you think you know inside and out. NotLinda did that for me, and, I’m happy to say, I for her. We had incredibly rich discussions in the comments sections. So much so that I’m gathering them together into a post or two of their own. For now, you can hear from her first. This is a response she wrote to something I said in one of my “Was it Love” posts. Enjoy!

Continue reading “Brody for NotLinda”

What were you doing in 1995? Cynthia’s Story *UPDATED*

Hello all! Damianista here. Welcome to Fan Story Tuesday!

We are publishing Cynthia’s story for a second time today because we have LOVELY updates to share! ENJOY!

copright: Cynthia Canty

Those of you from Michigan may know Cynthia from her program Stateside on Michigan Radio, part of the NPR digital network. Cynthia has had work experience in radio and TV for more than 35 years.  She has been a popular radio host, a TV news anchor, producer and a medical and consumer reporter. She has won a number of awards for her writing and reporting — including an Emmy! And, in addition to all this, Cynthia is a Damian Lewis fan. Big thanks go to her for being one of the first to respond to our call for fan stories and sharing this very special story.

Without further ado: What were YOU doing in 1995? This is Cynthia’s story.

Continue reading “What were you doing in 1995? Cynthia’s Story *UPDATED*”

From Yosemite Sam to Ice Juice: Why We Love Billions’ Sense of Humor – Season 2

source: Showtime

I have repeatedly said Billions is the smartest show on TV and I stand behind my words. A smart show starts with smart writing and Billions’ plot, a true roller coaster ride with mind-blowing twists and turns, speaks volumes in this regard. And I am particularly impressed by the way the show is served peppered with some delicious sense of humor. We wrote about why we love the sense of humor in Season 1 earlier here and it is time to take a closer look at some of the fun moments Billions brought to us in its sophomore season. Continue reading “From Yosemite Sam to Ice Juice: Why We Love Billions’ Sense of Humor – Season 2”