Billions Season 3 Trailer: The Ultimate Pissing Contest Continues

We kicked off the festivities for Billions Season 3 with a detailed coverage of Billions at TCA 2018 last week. Now that we have an airdate and a trailer, speculation rules until Season 3 premieres on March 25 10pm EST. Continue reading “Billions Season 3 Trailer: The Ultimate Pissing Contest Continues”

Damian Lewis in Top Gear

Driving into work today came the unsolicited thought, hey, we haven’t seen Damian in proximity to a car in ages. Then the mind went to one of the shots from the Billions S3 promo. The one where Bobby is gliding through a sea of lovely hot rods, perhaps picking out one to take out for a test drive. Of course, the mind said, you’re not crazy for randomly thinking about Damian and cars; You just saw that image recently, that’s all. (My mind likes to talk to itself, no biggie.)

So, when Damianista and I had our usual Tuesday late afternoon chat about what my weekly post should be, and since I didn’t have anything new, I thought, why not post Damian’s turn at Top Gear again?

Then, as serendipity would have it, on the drive home, listening to NPR’s “Fresh Air”, I heard Terry Gross’s interview with  a lovely young woman, Patrice Banks, who had opened up a mechanic’s shop run by women, with the goal of making women comfortable with taking care of their cars. Is car care the last frontier for women, I thought? The name Danika Patrick rings a bell, even to those of us outside the NASCAR circle, so that diamond-cut chrome-plated ceiling must have been traversed on some level. But, yeah, it is kind of uncomfortable as a woman to go get a car looked at, with the ever-present thought that the guys are going to take advantage of the fact I know little and care little about my mom car, a little Mazda, accept for the expectation that it keep carrying me around town when I need it to.

Alas, sometimes the universe decides for you. So, here’s my post on bearded Damian’s appearance on British Top Gear. Enjoy!

Continue reading “Damian Lewis in Top Gear”

Showtime Billions at TCA18

It’s been a long winter, but now that Billions has announced a return date of March 25 for Season 3, bluier skies may be ahead. On Saturday, showrunners and stars graced the stage for this year’s Television Critics Association winter press tour, where they dropped the first promo and got the buzz up and running for the new season.

Continue reading “Showtime Billions at TCA18”

Three Years with Damian Lewis

Hello everyone!

Fan Fun with Damian Lewis is three years old today!

Here we are, a bunch of inspired fans, 1096 days, 753 blog posts and over 788K views from 204 countries later… absolutely thrilled and totally beaming about how far we have come thanks to YOU!

Turning the inspiration Damian provides into words is our favorite pastime and Damian appreciating the work we do means the world to us. That said, it is YOU, our wonderful readers, who make our dream come true every single day and keep us going and going! Massive thanks go to each and every one of you for following us, reading us and supporting us over the last three years. Thank you for making Fan Fun a part of your life and we hope you stay and keep sharing the FUN with us!

Fan Fun Team

Continue reading “Three Years with Damian Lewis”

What to Expect When We Are
Expecting Billions Season 3

Happy New Year!

They are more than halfway through shooting Billions Season 3, yet we still have not received word about when we will have our favorite show back on TV. I am keeping my fingers crossed for this very anticipated announcement to arrive this weekend at CBS/Showtime Day at Television Critics Association (TCA) Winter Press Tour. We will follow TCA festivities as closely as possible on social media and bring you all we could find so stay tuned!

UPDATE 01/06/2018: They broke the great news that Billions Season 3 is coming to Showtime on March 25 and released the first trailer as well. Keep in mind I wrote this post about my personal expectations from the new season was written way before the trailer was dropped.

source: Showtime

While we may still have to wait a bit for the new season to arrive, I cannot think of a better way to start the new year than talk about what to expect when we are expecting Billions Season 3!

And as we talk about the show currently being shot in New York, why not start with a few questions I was able to ask the show’s creators, executive producers and show runners Brian Koppelman and David Levien on social media?

We were lucky to have Mr. Koppelman’s “Ask me anything” Q&As on Twitter every Sunday before the new episode of Billions. And he was very kind to answer a few of my Billions questions, too! I already knew one episode took two weeks to shoot but I was also curious about… Continue reading “What to Expect When We Are Expecting Billions Season 3”