Fan Fun Movie of The Month: Dream Horse

“It’s a heart-warming movie. Bringing people together. Bringing community together.” – Damian Lewis

As it has recently won two awards, namely Owen Teale winning for Best Actor and the film winning in the Sound category, at BAFTA Cymru, Dream Horse has deserved to be the Fan Fun Movie of the month!

Dream Horse with Damian Lewis opened in NYC movie theaters on May 21, 2021 and went into history as the first movie I saw in a movie theater after the Covid-19 pandemic started! It was a time that we struggled to adjust to “normal” life. We needed hope, strength and inspiration. And Dream Horse has definitely offered us all three and more. Yes, we are off to the races but the story is not about winning or losing. It is about a bunch of villagers solving a collective action problem when all the cards are stacked against them. Dream Horse is about courage, community and second chances. Continue reading “Fan Fun Movie of The Month: Dream Horse”

Throwback Thursday to Damian Lewis in Agatha Christie’s Poirot

“I was at home a little while ago and that episode came on the TV and I just couldn’t believe how young I was. Where did all those years go?” – Damian Lewis

This was Damian’s response when he was recently asked in an interview with Essex Life about one of his earliest roles on TV, the ITV’s Agatha Christie’s Poirot episode Hickory Dickory Dock.

Lucky you, Damian, you are one of those men who ages like a good bottle of wine… I wanna say red Burgundy to be precise! But in honor of the years that passed since our early 20s, we revisit that young medical student Len Bateson in Hickory Dickory Dock today. ENJOY!

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Happy St. David’s Day – Damian Lewis and His Welsh Roots


Happy St. David’s Day, everyone!

Today is the Feast Day of St. David, the patron saint of Wales. Thus, in honor of the day, why not talk about Damian and his Welsh roots?

Here is Damian talking about himself as a “Londoner” and “British” at Times Talks London.

So far so good… Damian is proud of his Welsh roots, and we’re talking about Wales today! But… what do I talk about when I talk about Wales? What do I really know about Wales except the fact that Damian is half-Welsh? Well… I can drop a few Welsh celebrity names like a pro…Sir Anthony Hopkins, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Richard Burton, Gareth Bale… and, of course, the wonderful Denise Salway aka the “Knitting Witch” that creates the wonderful “Wolf Hall in Wool” collection and who made, for Damian, a special personalized gift!

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Do it Like Damian Lewis: HELP Raise Awareness for EB on Rare Disease Day!

Today is Rare Disease Day, a day to raise awareness about rare diseases and the impact they have on patients’ lives. The primary target of the campaign is the general public; however, it is very important to raise awareness among policy makers, researchers, health professionals and anyone who has an interest in rare diseases. And we would like to take this day to raise awareness as well as funds to find a cure for EB.

Well, most of you know Damian Lewis is a proud patron of Cure EB.

The kids that are born with Recessive Dystropic Epidermolysis Bullosa (RDEB) or EB for short lack the protein that holds their skin together. They have extremely fragile skin that they are sometimes called “butterfly children.” Lots of activities we take for granted as easy routines in our daily lives are a struggle for them. Can you imagine a day where your dressing up takes up to two hours and eating and drinking cause blisters in your mouth and throat? These kids have to deal with this kind of pain every single day. Besides, they are under extra risk to develop skin cancer later in life and their life expectancy is not very long. Continue reading “Do it Like Damian Lewis: HELP Raise Awareness for EB on Rare Disease Day!”

How Keane gave us Brody and How Brody gave us Axe *UPDATED*

Lodge Kerrigan’s beautiful film ‘Keane‘ with Damian Lewis received a 4K restoration thanks to Grasshopper Films and had special screenings at several movie theaters in the U.S in summer – fall 2022. I was very lucky to be at the Film at Lincoln Center’s screening in August 2022 followed by a a Q&A with Lodge Kerrigan and Damian himself. The 4K restored ‘Keane’ is available for streaming on AppleTV. So… why don’t we talk today about how this critically acclaimed movie caused a chain reaction in Damian’s career? 

Join me!

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