Damian Lewis Created a Monster

I’ll admit to not being the most educated person. I spent most of high school just trying to pass the time and get out with a diploma. I wasn’t a bad student, but when you decide on beauty school in your sophomore year, suddenly AP History and three hours a night of homework seem kind of like a waste of time. And I certainly didn’t spend my two study halls a day reading up on history, math or science. Now, as an adult, I am revisiting these subjects with a newly-found appreciation. I am learning things as a 36 year old woman that most people learn in high school. The history of The Tudors has been my newest interest, and I have Wolf Hall to thank for opening me up to something new. Continue reading “Damian Lewis Created a Monster”

Wags by the Dozen Part III

Wags Words of Wisdom – Season 4

Wags, and bracelets

Guess what time it is? It’s time for Wags Words of Wisdom, Billions season four. Did you miss our first two dozen that covered seasons one through three? Catch up by reading them here and here.

As I pointed out last time, Mike “Wags” Wagner, played by David Costabile, is my second favorite character on the Showtime hit series Billions-Axe being the first of course. Sure, he’s an acquired taste for some but we gladly claim Wags as our rapacious scumbag. He’s still that pinky ring-wearing, Michter’s whiskey drinking, vintage Mercedes driving, petite handlebar mustache sporting, sharp-dressed man with a childhood affinity for Yosemite Sam, as proven by his ass tattoo of said gun-slinging cartoon outlaw.

Wags continues to be the Chief Operating Officer at Axe Capital-that formidable attack dog, financial consigliere, valet, and leader of the minions. He’s the right-hand man to Bobby Axelrod and just as loyal as the unsullied soldiers are to the mother of dragons.

Continue reading “Wags by the Dozen Part III”

Movie Review: Damian Lewis Runs The Town in Run This Town!

Rob Ford was no ordinary mayor. He was regularly involved in controversy from 2010 to 2014 as he ran the city of Toronto. Ford was, in particular, repeatedly videotaped and photographed while intoxicated in public, culminating in his being recorded smoking crack cocaine as reported by the Kevin Donovan and Robyn Doolittle of the Toronto Star. The Star won the Michener Award, one of the highest distinctions in Canadian journalism, for investigative journalism.

“The Toronto Star exposed Ford’s public drunkenness, boorish behavior, abuses of his office, and existence of a video of him smoking crack cocaine accompanied by members of drug gang. The Star did not waver as the mayor countered every story with vehement denials and attacks.”

And the police investigation the scandal triggered resulted in Ford losing most of his mayoral powers in a quite undignified way.

Now, while it was not surprising to find out Damian, who was born to bring massively flawed characters to life on screen, was cast to play this “flashy, unpredictable politician with no filter” the casting was surprising since Damian Lewis and Rob Ford are not exactly long lost twins… And it really took time for us to lift our jaws up from the floor when Damian tweeted a picture from the set! Continue reading “Movie Review: Damian Lewis Runs The Town in Run This Town!”

Homeland Fan Fiction: Waves and Ripples

To: Jessica Lazaro
From: LtCol Michael R. Faber
Subject: Hi

Hey Jess

How are you? I’m doing good. Getting used to my new job, new responsibilities. Piled Higher and Deeper as the guys with education say.

Just checking in as usual. Well, honestly – and we were always with each other at least. A guy was in the office today. Gunny with red hair and this smile. I don’t know I just had to shut my door. Continue reading “Homeland Fan Fiction: Waves and Ripples”

Throwback Thursday to Damian Lewis in The Situation

“There is no truth, you know. It’s not about locking up all the bad guys. It doesn’t work like that.” – Dan Murphy

The Situation is the first U.S. feature film that deals with the complexities of the American occupation in Iraq. Written by Wendell Steavenson, a real-life journalist, based on her on-the-ground experiences in war-torn Iraq, and directed by the veteran independent film director Philip Haas (Angels and Insects, anyone?), the movie stars Connie Nielsen, Mido Hamada and John Slattery along with Damian Lewis. The story is exclusively set in Iraq but the movie was shot, for obvious reasons, in Morocco.

So, yes, Homeland is not the first project concerning the war in Iraq that Damian was involved with. There was, in fact, well-meaning CIA intelligent officer Dan Murphy before the US Marine Nicholas Brody. Continue reading “Throwback Thursday to Damian Lewis in The Situation”