Wolf Hall Episode 4: The Devil’s Spit

source: farfarawaysite.com
source: farfarawaysite.com

Have I told you that I’ve been reading Wolf Hall for a second time in parallel? It’s been great fun, and this is really some overdose that would never kill you, but instead nourish you 🙂 And, every time I see an episode, I am just fascinated by Peter Straughan’s adaptation: The script is wonderfully condensed with most of the conversation coming directly from Hilary Mantel’s pen. What a good feeling it is to hear some of the BEST lines I have ever read coming out of Mark Rylance or Damian Lewis’ mouth. Pure brilliance. Continue reading “Wolf Hall Episode 4: The Devil’s Spit”

Happy Birthday, Damian Lewis! Let’s Look at the Year Ahead…

source: Daily Mail
source: Daily Mail

Happy Birthday to my favorite actor, a very kind man and a fellow Aquarius 🙂

Dear Damian, hope you have a happy, healthy, lucky and successful year, with your family and all your loved ones!


If you believe in yearly horoscopes (I really don’t but I still enjoy reading them) then 2015 will be a really GREAT year for Aquarius. But, honestly, when it comes to Damian’s year, we don’t really need to read his horoscope or read the tea leaves, or having grown up in Turkey, the coffee cup for him 🙂 His record just speaks for the entire year!

Continue reading “Happy Birthday, Damian Lewis! Let’s Look at the Year Ahead…”

The Love Book… or You can do this at home :)

source: Damianista
source: Damianista

As I told you earlier, I was at the Cheltenham Literature Festival in October 2014 for the very original and lovely event “Damian Lewis & Helen McCrory: Great Love Poems” followed by a book signing by Allie Esiri, the wonderful woman behind the Love Book, the Love Book app as well as the event, Damian Lewis and Helen McCrory. Continue reading “The Love Book… or You can do this at home :)”

Damian Lewis is making Billions in NY! What do we know? What do we want to know? UPDATED

UPDATE 03/24: Drumroll! Showtime has just picked up Billions as a series. The series will be in filmed in NY later this year for a 2016 premiere on the network!

This is what David Nevins, the President of Showtime says about Billions:


Congratulations to the entire cast and crew!

We’re waiting for you with open arms in New York!

Well, it’s a challenge to catch up with Damian Lewis nowadays! In fact, he has collected quite a few frequent flier miles these couple of months on Transatlantic flights.

source: Daily Mail
source: Daily Mail

First, He was in LA for TCA Winter Press Tour for Wolf Hall, then he was in New York to shoot new Showtime Drama Pilot Billions. Then he was in Berlin for Queen of the Desert World Premiere at Berlinale 2015. Then he was in London to attend pre-BAFTA Charles Finch and Chanel dinner… Then he was again on a plane flying stateside. Continue reading “Damian Lewis is making Billions in NY! What do we know? What do we want to know? UPDATED”

TOP Damian Lewis moments at Berlinale 2015

Ladies and Gentlemen, Queen of the Desert has finally arrived!

source: Berlinale

Queen of the Desert, the highly anticipated biopic about Gertrude Bell, a historian, novelist and member of the British Secret Service, directed by Werner Herzog, and starring Nicole Kidman, Damian Lewis, James Franco and Robert Pattinson has arrived at Berlinale 2015 complete with a photo shoot, press screening followed by a press conference with some FUN moments and, of course, the Red Carpet. We were extremely lucky to be able to see both the Press Conference and the Red Carpet LIVE on the festival website. That’s what I call public service 🙂 You can now watch the Press Conference and the Red Carpet here. Thank you, Berlinale! Continue reading “TOP Damian Lewis moments at Berlinale 2015”