Choose what to believe and believe in your choice!

Welcome to the last FanFiction blog of 2015!

This month we bring you some festive snapshots of some of the characters played by Damian.

Brody household, December 2002

“You lied!”  Brody hears the angry accusation mixed with childish indignation and distress in his seven year old’s voice. His two year old son is startled from his conversation with various cuddly toys in his play pen. He looks to his father, wide-eyed.

Leaning over Brody smiles, ruffles Chris’ hair. “It’s ok, buddy. Just some school run drama.” Chris smiles, showing off a toothless grin that always makes Brody’s heart swell, and goes back to playing. Continue reading “Choose what to believe and believe in your choice!”

Thanks Given

We have a slightly different blog for you this #FictionFriday as we are given thanks to Damian Lewis for the characters he brings to life and the resulting potential in the world of #Fanfiction.

Mark Rose (Hearts and Bones)

Mark is a husband, father and school teacher. He is happily married…but his wife isn’t. Season one focuses on their relationship with their group of friends and each other. Increasingly Mark’s wife becomes interested in his brother who is far more exciting to her than Mark is now. There is a false dawn of Mark and his wife renewing nuptials before it falls apart completely and Mark leaves at the end of season one. Broken hearted Mark does not return for season two because Damian got the part of one Major Dick Winters. Continue reading “Thanks Given”

The Witching Hour

We thought we would do the blog in two parts this month.  The first part is a short Halloween tale which is linked to our blog from April which you can read here [].

The second part is a discussion of what costumes we think Damian’s various characters would wear and why.  A Happy Halloween to you all.

Continue reading “The Witching Hour”

Ready, Steady, Write!

As you know we are all about fun over here and we thought that, on our sixth Fiction Friday Blog, maybe it was time to get you all involved as well. Fan Fiction can be lots of fun and it is even more fun when several people with a common like all join in on a ‘prompt’. A prompt can simply be a phrase, a few words or more around which you must base your story.

Examples from LilMisfit

This prompt was given to me by a fellow Homeland fan via Tumblr, and was simply the words “Big Game”. At the time the World Cup was in full swing and while most of the fics I read were centered around that, I took my story in an alternate direction and wrote a one-shot involving Brody, Carrie, and the tall, dark, handsome and bearded Navy SEAL team introduced in S3, all playing pool together on base before Brody loaded out for Tehran. I found the dynamic between Brody and the SEAL team that trained him to be an interesting one, and wanted to see that camaraderie and friendship developed further.

Continue reading “Ready, Steady, Write!”

Jointly and Severally

Back in April, we posted a short crossover story together which can be found here We are currently working on extending this into something more. This is another layer of the fan fiction world where people ’co-author’ stories. This month’s blog is focusing on this aspect of fan fiction and is a discussion about it.

We wondered how others who co-author might go about it.

Does one person do one chapter and the other does the next?


I’ve read fics in the past that have been co-authored and I feel like they’re written beautifully, and I have been in writing workshops where I’ve written a piece and then handed my work to a partner so they can write the next installment and likely take the story in a new direction. I think if writing a comedic or “fluff” fic, working that way would be particularly fun. But in a more dramatic fic with lots of plot points and twists and such, I think plotting it out ahead of time and knowing exactly what your partner plans to contribute to the story, would work better.


I’ve heard of others doing it this way, but I doubt I could work like this  as I think if you are doing a story together, it has to be mapped out together across all chapters. Continue reading “Jointly and Severally”