Who is this Guy that Looks like Steve
McQueen? Rachel’s Story

Hello, everyone! Damianista welcomes you to a NEW Fan Story Tuesday!

Today’s story comes from Rachel! I met Rachel on Twitter months ago and I have known she was a brilliant fan from London but I have recently found out that she is a TRUE friend, too. Well, look at this picture!

copyright: Rachel

Rachel gave Damian the paper he holds at The Goat stage door saying HELLO to lovely Krista, a brilliant fan and one of our biggest supporters, who has not been able to see The Goat. This is one of the most beautiful gestures I have ever seen in my life. Hats off to you, Rachel, and thanks so much for taking the time to share your wonderful fan story with us! And, hey, I love your tshirt!  Continue reading “Who is this Guy that Looks like Steve
McQueen? Rachel’s Story”

A Ginger Obsession Called Damian Lewis: Sonia’s Story

Hello everyone! Damianista welcomes you to a NEW Fan Story Tuesday!

This week’s story comes from Sonia, a lovely fan from the UK who is as much a “dark horse” as me. Now, in case you don’t know what this means… Here is Damian providing an explanation at Times Talks London back in 2014 😀

Well, my dear Sonia, Damian may not go out with us after all but even THAT cannot stop us from loving the unlovable Soames Forsyte! So, without further ado, here is Sonia telling her fan story with a great sense of humor! Big thanks go to her for sharing her story with us. ENJOY! Continue reading “A Ginger Obsession Called Damian Lewis: Sonia’s Story”

Bobby Axelrod Season 2: The “eyes” have it

Hello, friends!  Hope your summer is going really well.  We’ve rounded the corner to August now, which in Minnesota means STATE FAIR TIME! All the fried food on a stick, people watching, and petting goats that you can handle!

oh look, a slow day

I am basically inside the house hiding from the evil “day star” (I am fair with freckles, tanning ain’t for me!) so I’ve been re-watching some favorite shows to pass the time.  Season 2 of Billions, of course, has been an easy choice!  Let’s stroll back, together, and tell a tale of two Bobbies!

source: Showtime

Let’s do a little comparison work between the Bobby of season one, and the Bobby in season two. As always, I’ll be viewing Damian’s work through the lens of a Delsartean. Continue reading “Bobby Axelrod Season 2: The “eyes” have it”

Paul Reynolds : Lizzie Thomas :: Bobby Axelrod : Wendy Rhoades

Of all the compelling themes in Billions, perhaps the most compelling is the relationship between Bobby Axelrod and Wendy Rhoades. We’ve all explored it as some point whenever we’ve talked about Billions. Damianista did a two-part treatise on the relationship between Bobby and Wendy: Part I, Part II. Bookworm saw the story of Peter Pan in them: Fly Away, Fly Away. I focused on their revelatory therapy session in “Magical Thinking”  and imagined their back story as a fanfic: Rubble. Suffice it to say, the relationship has provoked a lot of thought.

Damian took part in a project that focused on a relationship very similar to Bobby and Wendy’s, many years prior to and a continent away from the world of Billions. That film, BBC’s Friends and Crocodiles, centered on a similarly charged platonic relationship between a vibrant man and the practical hard-working woman who could never leave his side, despite herself.  Written and directed by Stephen Poliakoff, Friends and Crocodiles was an ambitious production exploring such lofty themes as class, creativity and navigation of British socioeconomic trends over several decades. It was also primarily focused on the possibilities within the passionately-felt work relationship between Paul Reynolds and Lizzie Thomas. Paul and Lizzie, in a way precursors of Bobby Axelrod and Wendy Rhoades, foretold the intricacies of creating and dramatizing such a relationship on screen. (For an excellent recap of the film, refer to Damianista’s TBT summary.)

I’ve alluded to the analogy of Paul and Lizzie to Bobby and Wendy fleetingly in some of my previous posts on Billions. Now, read on as I venture a bit deeper into the comparison. Continue reading “Paul Reynolds : Lizzie Thomas :: Bobby Axelrod : Wendy Rhoades”

A Tribute to Everyone’s Favorite Billions Moment: The Fake Fight

“Pretend we’re having an argument.” —Bobby Axelrod

source: Showtime

A good hour of television absolutely starts with good writing and I pride myself in calling Willie Reale, the writer of Billions Season 1 Episode 10 Quality of Life, a genius way before I find out that he is, in fact, one! I don’t know if you are familiar with MacArthur Fellowships also known as “Genius Grants” but Mr. Reale is a recipient of this fellowship “in recognition of his ingenuity in creating theater and theater education programs for young people.” Bravo!

Quality of Life, with Donnie’s memorial service being at its heart, has a number of moving parts; however, Mr. Reale delivers the story seamlessly with a number of timely back and forths between the memorial service and all else going on and the episode’s director Karyn Kusama perfectly translates the writing into action. And, in my humble opinion, Brian Koppelman’s tweet sharing with us that the fake argument scene between Axe and Dollar Bill was Reale’s idea alone deserves standing ovation for this brilliant writer! Continue reading “A Tribute to Everyone’s Favorite Billions Moment: The Fake Fight”