A Billions fan fiction brought to you with a warning that there are slight spoilers, but not major ones.
**Disclaimer: Billions and its characters belong to Showtime. Not us. There is no profit or copy right infringement intended and absolutely no intention of saying that anyone from Billions stole our ideas in the unlikely event we accidently write something that comes to fruition. This is simply two fans having fun. **
Missing scene from the Pilot
Wendy pulls everything out from the bottom of the cabinet in her study until she finds what she is looking for. Exactly where she expected them to be, right at the back, out of sight and out of mind, but lurking there just as certain thoughts continuously lurk in her mind on a daily basis and from which she only gets respite while she is sleeping.
Gathering the notebooks, she stands up and makes her way to her desk leaving a mess behind her on the floor with the cabinet door open. It is definitely something she would give the kids into trouble for. Maybe moms are as bad as Doctors, but this is her sanctuary and she is free to be a hypocrite. Besides, it is fitting. It would be the perfect presentation of her mind at the moment.