An Antiques Restorer: NotLinda’s Dream Role for Damian Lewis

“I Add My Own Love To The History Of People Who Have Loved”

So Donna Tartt sums up her beloved and layered novel “The Goldfinch”. The actor to whom this website is devoted could be described by these very words. Beloved and layered. I’m well aware that an effort was made to transfer the novel to the big screen. The result was beautiful but shallow. When in the future it is made into a limited run series Damian must be cast as Hobie, James Hobart, the restorer of antique furniture and of broken children. Continue reading “An Antiques Restorer: NotLinda’s Dream Role for Damian Lewis”

TOP Damian Lewis Moments 2020:
Brody and Carrie Reunion at Variety’s Actors on Actors


With that the Variety Actors On Actors segment featuring Damian Lewis and Claire Danes begins. She’s locked down in her New York apartment while he is roaming the English countryside in search of a signal. Thank God he found it! For the ensuing 34.05 minutes (with commercials 🙁  ugh) we are transported back to CarrieBrodyland.

gif grab courtesy of used with permission

Their friendship irl is as palpable as their chemistry was in Homeland Seasons 1-3. It’s remarkable to observe how closely Damian listens and how emotionally open Claire is with him. Continue reading “TOP Damian Lewis Moments 2020: Brody and Carrie Reunion at Variety’s Actors on Actors”

Desert Island Discs with NotLinda

Welcome to my island! We haven’t got much but what we have is the best! I’ve always loved music so for my Desert Island I’ll have to have

  1. Bad to the Bone – George Thorogood and the Delaware Destroyers. Straight on Rock-n-Roll. I saw him everywhere I could in the SF Bay Area back in the day. Loong, crazy shows! Do you have to Axe which of Damian’s roles he brings to mind? “Leave this one alone! I can tell by lookin’ he’s bad to the bone!”

Continue reading “Desert Island Discs with NotLinda”

Homeland Fan Fiction: Waves and Ripples

To: Jessica Lazaro
From: LtCol Michael R. Faber
Subject: Hi

Hey Jess

How are you? I’m doing good. Getting used to my new job, new responsibilities. Piled Higher and Deeper as the guys with education say.

Just checking in as usual. Well, honestly – and we were always with each other at least. A guy was in the office today. Gunny with red hair and this smile. I don’t know I just had to shut my door. Continue reading “Homeland Fan Fiction: Waves and Ripples”

Brody Countdown 1: Waves and Ripples

To: Jessica Lazaro
From: LtCol Michael R. Faber
Subject: Hi

Hey Jess

How are you? I’m doing good. Getting used to my new job, new responsibilities. Piled Higher and Deeper as the guys with education say.

Just checking in as usual. Well, honestly – and we were always with each other at least. A guy was in the office today. Gunny with red hair and this smile. I don’t know I just had to shut my door. Continue reading “Brody Countdown 1: Waves and Ripples”