“Who the Hell is Brody?” Krista’s Story

Hello all! Damianista here. It’s Tuesday aka Fan Story Day!

Damian Lewis got his first big wave of fans through Band of Brothers, a series that put him on the map as a good actor. The second, and much bigger, wave of fans came with Homeland that made Damian an international star and a household name. It seems though there is still room for growth in the fandom and Billions is bringing in a new wave of fans to Damian. Krista, a representative of this new wave of fans and a wonderful social media friend, is sharing with us today how she “discovered” her “first gingy ever.” Enjoy!

source: @kristaevans

I did not know who Damian Lewis was until, wait for it…Billions!  Yep, meet the first Damian Lewis fan who had never heard of Brody, nor fell in love with Damian because of Brody.  Back then Homeland just didn’t appeal to me so I never watched it and avoided the bandwagon for quite some time. Continue reading ““Who the Hell is Brody?” Krista’s Story”